DBEPV Chapter 32 *Title Hidden*

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 “Aunt Gine, do you know what this fruit is?!” Talot asked in surprise.

Seeing the hint of delight on Gine’s face, it was clear that this blood-red fruit was something valuable.

“Yes, although I don’t know the exact name of this fruit, I’m certain it’s the same one Bardock and I ate. Talot, we’ve come across something good this time,” Gine said with excitement in her voice.

Upon hearing that Gine and Bardock had eaten it before, any hesitation or concern Talot had vanished.

At the very least, it wasn’t poisonous, it wouldn’t affect the mind, and there was no chance of parasites in the fruit controlling them.

Otherwise, Gine wouldn’t have said what she did or acted this way.

Talot didn’t interrupt Gine’s recollection, while Salari, emboldened by Gine’s words, stepped forward and asked, “Aunt Gine and Uncle Bardock have both eaten it, so this fruit is really edible? Can I eat it, Brother Talot?”

“Let’s hear Aunt Gine finish first, there’s no rush,” Talot said, temporarily holding Salari’s hand back.

This girl could be really daring sometimes.

“Alright,” Salari said, lowering her hand as Talot stopped her.

Her body seemed to be instinctively urging her to eat the blood-red fruit, as if doing so would bring great benefits.

“It’s fine, Talot. This fruit is edible, and eating it not only helps to heal injuries but also increases one’s power level,” Gine explained.

“Thinking back, this is a very old memory. Bardock and I were on a mission on another planet when we stumbled upon this fruit. We were young then, and instinctively decided to eat it. To our surprise, after eating the fruit, not only did we no longer feel hungry, but our strength also increased…

“Unfortunately, at the time, we only found one such tree on that planet, and there were only a few fruits.

“After discovering the fruit’s effects, Bardock and I even tried to cultivate the tree on Planet Vegeta, but we failed. The reason was that the fruit didn’t have any seeds, and after picking the fruit, the tree quickly withered…”

Gine shared all the information she knew and then sighed as she hadn’t expected to find that tree on Planet Ouyun.

This made Talot realize that the blood-red fruit was indeed something similar to the Fruit of the Tree of Might.

“Nature truly is mysterious and unpredictable. I wonder if there are more of these trees on Planet Ouyun,” Talot pondered.

If there’s one, perhaps there could be two.

Unless some alien race had passed by this planet and left behind a seed that sprouted into this fruit tree.

Talot didn’t know; he was just one step away from the truth.

His thinking was limited, only allowing him to consider this possibility.

In reality, the fruit tree wasn’t ordinary, nor was it something that could naturally grow on an ordinary planet.

Like the Fruit of the Tree of Might, these fruits are food meant only for gods, considered taboo items.

The appearance of these fruit trees on various planets is indeed coincidental.

For example, the tree before Talot was the result of God of Destruction Beerus casually discarding half-eaten fruit on this planet hundreds of years ago, leading to the growth of the current fruit tree.

The first-generation fruit has seeds, which sprouted into a tree, producing second- and even third-generation fruits.

The fruits Gine and Bardock ate were just subsequent generations and thus lacked seeds, making them impossible to cultivate artificially.

“So, can we eat it now?” Salari, standing nearby, had already had her appetite stirred.

Now that Gine had finished speaking, her greedy expression was fully revealed, making her look particularly adorable.

“Since we know what this fruit does, we can eat it, of course. However, there are at least twenty or thirty fruits here. We can’t eat them all in one go. Even if we could, we shouldn’t waste their effects,” Talot said.

Eating it is definitely possible, but the most critical thing right now is how to take all of them with them.

The fruits are each the size of two basketballs. Even if they could carry two or three by hand, the three of them would only be able to take less than half.

Moreover, there were giant beasts rushing toward them.

Being stopped once again, Salari wasn’t annoyed. She was obedient and always listened to Talot’s words.

Gine understood Talot’s thoughts. “How about I go back and get the spaceship? That way, we can take all these fruits with us.”

Hearing this, Talot’s eyes lit up.

He hadn’t thought of that.

“Then I’ll leave it to you, Aunt Gine. Salari should go back with you. I’ll stay here to guard the fruits,” Talot said.

Gine nodded in agreement and then took the slightly reluctant Salari with her.

As soon as the two left, Talot’s eyes narrowed because the giant beasts were already closing in. Without hesitation, he released all of his aura, fully unleashing his power level of 1300.

In the instant that his aura exploded, it brought with it an immense sense of intimidation.

The giant beasts in the area, who had a greedy desire for the blood-red fruits, were all stunned and didn’t dare to move recklessly.

However, the allure of the blood-red fruits was simply too great.

Even though most of the weaker beasts stopped moving, the stronger ones, after pausing for only a few seconds, charged forward without regard for their lives.

“Roar!!!” About a hundred meters to Talot’s right, a massive beast the size of a small mountain charged toward him. It resembled Godzilla.

It crushed every corpse in its path, turning the already devastated forest into a flat land.

A rough probe of its aura revealed that it was far stronger than the average beast.

The scouter issued a warning; the power level of this beast was 600.

It was one of the powerful auras he had sensed from the start.

A beast of this caliber would be a disaster for Gine and Salari, but in front of Talot, it was just slightly more powerful.

“The strongest beasts always appear last. They hold back at first, letting the weaker ones fight each other, and then come out to reap the benefits!” Talot wasn’t intimidated by the beast’s aura.

“Roar!!!” In a flash, the giant beast reached him.

It seemed to completely ignore him, its target being the blood-red fruits.

If it took a bite, wouldn’t it swallow the entire tree?

“Courting death!” A murderous glint flashed in Talot’s eyes.

His aura surged, and energy concentrated in his hand as he controlled his ki.

With a swing of his hand, a golden energy wave shot out, striking the giant beast’s body directly.


An explosion erupted, the ground trembled, and flames shot into the sky.

The terrifying beast that had been charging over aggressively was instantly blown to pieces, a mist of blood filling the air.

Chapter 32 Secrets, Taboo, and Beerus’ Leftovers

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