DBEPV Chapter 31 A big battle? Overwhelming Strength!

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Two deafening roars echoed through the air.

The storm caused by just their roars seemed like it could sweep away everything.

However, to Talot, it was nothing more than a cool breeze, completely harmless.

“Don’t you guys know your breath stinks?” Talot pinched his nose. That was the most damage it caused him.

Well, these giant creatures, resembling prehistoric beasts, use their fangs and mouth as their primary weapons in battle, and they surely feast on raw meat. So, it’s no surprise that the air they exhale reeks, and their bodies must emit an indescribable stench as well.

Faced with Talot, who didn’t move even a little bit, the giant serpent obviously didn’t expect such a tiny creature, barely visible to it, to withstand its attack.

Immediately, it swung its massive tail down.

Talot’s small frame was dwarfed by its impossibly wide tail, which seemed to cast a shadow over him.

However, despite how intimidating this attack seemed, it not only lacked power, but it was also incredibly slow.

Talot didn’t bother to receive it; instead, he swiftly dodged the tail strike with a quick turn.

On the other side, seeing Talot evade the serpent’s attack, the terror beast was equally surprised. However, it didn’t hesitate and lunged forward with its mouth wide open, aiming to crush Talot to death.

But how could it be so easy?

This time, Talot didn’t dodge. Instead, he raised his hand directly.

One hand pressed against the terror beast’s upper fang, while his feet stood on the lower fang.

No matter how hard it tried, the terror beast couldn’t move Talot at all.

“Looks like being big doesn’t necessarily mean you’re strong enough to overpower me,” Talot commented. Then, he lifted his other hand and gathered a dazzling energy blast.


The energy blast shot out of his hand, directly hitting the terror beast’s throat.

In just a moment, the terror beast’s eyes widened, its body trembling violently as if it was enduring immense pain, roaring continuously.

Finally, after Talot escaped the terror beast’s massive mouth…


A massive explosion occurred inside the terror beast’s body.

The gigantic terror beast, which was several dozen meters long, was blown apart, its body severed and reduced to a bloody mess.

The scene was gruesome, difficult to describe.

Nearby, the giant serpent’s eyes widened in shock.

With the terror beast dead, it became even more cautious.

Talot faced the serpent, waiting for its next attack.

Initially, he wouldn’t have attacked them, but since they made the first move and intended to kill him, they had to be prepared for their own demise.

The weak are prey to the strong—the cruelest law of nature.

“Hisssss~~~!!!” With a hiss full of bloodthirst, the serpent launched another attack.

But it was smarter than the terror beast; knowing Talot couldn’t be easily defeated, it circled its massive body around Talot, then lashed out with a sweeping strike of its tail.

Despite its intelligence, the serpent’s attack remained brutish.

“This is the second time. If you won’t back down, then take my punch!!!” Talot shouted, concentrating power on his right fist.

Facing the incoming tail, he threw a punch.

“Bang!!!” The tremendous force didn’t just knock the tail back but shattered it completely, turning it into a shower of flesh and blood in the air.

The serpent howled in pain, its enormous body rolling on the ground amidst the piles of corpses due to the loss of a section of its tail.

Seeing it was about to crash into the blood-red fruit tree, Talot acted decisively, releasing an energy wave that instantly ended the serpent’s life.

With the deaths of the giant serpent and the terror beast, the dense, bloody aura was absorbed by the blood-red fruit tree, creating an eerie scene.

At the same time, with the giant serpent and the terror beast gone, the other giant beasts, driven by greed, immediately stopped fighting each other and rushed toward the tree all at once.

This scene surprised Talot even more.

“If I’m not mistaken, the giant serpent and the terror beast were the guardians of this fruit tree. They were about to eat the fruit, but I killed them. So, their deterrence over the other beasts is now gone,” Talot guessed. Without hesitation, he quickly descended in front of the fruit tree.

The tree stood twenty meters tall, which was indeed quite tall.

But compared to other trees, this one seemed rather small.

Floating in front of the blood-red fruit, Talot controlled his body and maintained his willpower, refusing to let his instincts and desires take over.

Even though it could increase his strength, he wasn’t going to eat something of unknown origin before understanding the risks involved.

If it turned out to be poisonous or had some mind-controlling effects, he could end up a walking corpse.

Therefore, he needed to take it back and use the spaceship’s instruments to test it, checking the stored data to see if there were any records of this fruit or testing it on some living creatures.

Frieza Force, which evolved from the Cold Force, has dominated the galaxy for many years, so it has comprehensive data on the flora and fauna of various planets.

Although they don’t have complete intelligence on the Ouyun star system, many planets across the universe, despite having different species, often share certain similarities.

“But these fruits are so big, and there are so many of them. How should I take them back?” Talot pondered, one hand on his chin and the other crossed under his chest.

He couldn’t just uproot the tree and take it with him.

Before long, he heard roars and felt the ground trembling again; the giant beasts were approaching.

However, this time, he didn’t need to take action. Since he had already dealt with the giant serpent and the terror beast, Gine and Salari had arrived and were taking care of the three bizarre-looking giant beasts that were closing in.

“Didn’t I tell you not to come down? It’s too dangerous, Aunt Gine, Salari,” Talot said.

The giant beasts here still pose a high level of danger.

It’s just that his strength is so overwhelming that they can’t threaten him.

Gine also has some strength, enough to easily crush beasts with power levels of two or three hundred, but Salari isn’t as strong. Her strength isn’t yet enough to handle these beasts easily.

If she were to be surrounded or face continuous attacks, her life could be in danger.

“We were just worried about you,” Gine said.

“Don’t worry, Brother Talot. I’m pretty strong too. At the very least, I can protect myself and won’t be a burden to you and Aunt Gine,” Salari said, clearly understanding Talot’s concern.

Since she said that and no longer showed the initial fear, Talot put away his overprotective thoughts.

Saiyans are highly adaptive. Sometimes, just one experience can lead to significant growth.

Perhaps it was because she saw him easily kill the giant snake and the terror beast, and was not affected by such a bloody scene, which indirectly stimulated Salari.

“Oh! So it’s this fruit. No wonder it looked familiar,” Gine said suddenly after taking a closer look, surprising Talot.

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