DBEPV Chapter 25 It was all on Bardock’s orders!

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 A power level of 10,000.

In the entire history of the Saiyan race, how many individuals had ever reached a power level of 10,000?

Even among the elite of the elite, even King Vegeta himself—what was his power level compared to that?

Vegeta was 8,000 power level behind this child!

He was unwilling to accept it and felt indignant on behalf of his son!

So, he decisively exiled the child to a desolate planet in the most ruthless manner, leaving him to fend for himself.

“Super Saiyan… Super Saiyan!!! Even if the legend is true, it should be me and Vegeta, with our royal bloodline!” King Vegeta stood up, his aura exploding, shaking everything within the grand throne room.

In his mind, it would be best if that child was already dead, along with the traitorous Paragus.

At least according to the information he had, there was no possibility that Paragus and Broly had survived.

The throne room fell silent once more as King Vegeta remained seated on his throne, seemingly conserving his strength.

He didn’t know that at this very moment on Planet Vampa, a large and a small Saiyan were struggling to gather food in the harsh climate.

These two were none other than Paragus and Broly!

After arriving on the planet, with their spaceship damaged beyond repair, they were unable to escape or send messages to the outside world. Their only option was to eke out a survival here.

Broly was still fine, as he had few needs and little understanding of many things.

But for Paragus, the past few years had been almost unbearable.

Though he wasn’t even thirty years old, most of his hair had already turned gray, a testament to the immense mental strain he had endured.

He had regretted coming here to find his son more than once.

Of course, every time such a thought surfaced, he quickly squashed it.

Because deep down, he was convinced that his son was the most outstanding Saiyan. Born with a power level of 10,000, he firmly believed that his son was the legendary Super Saiyan that only appears once every thousand years.

While moving supplies, he hurried toward the hidden cave.

This year’s planetary storm was fiercer than any before.

“Hurry up, Broly. This is our last trip; let’s hope the storm passes quickly this time,” Paragus urged Broly.

Though Paragus was an adult, he was far less powerful than Broly.

“Hmm.” Broly responded to his father’s words with a nod, then continued working even harder.

After a long while, the two finally dragged a dozen large wooden barrels into a secret underground cave.

Only in such a place could they barely escape the effects of the powerful storm winds outside.

With their strength, they were powerful enough to destroy planets.

However, the planet’s storms—generated by its intense atmospheric currents—were so fierce that they could shred anything in their path. Even they couldn’t withstand it for long.

To put it simply, any object, no matter how hard, would be shattered under the atmospheric currents’ onslaught. This explained why the planet’s surface was so barren and full of craters.

And that wasn’t the scariest part. The terrifying thing was that this weather occurred once every twelve months, lasting anywhere from four to six months!

“Take a break, Broly. I’ll handle the rest,” Paragus said, showing his concern for Broly.

After all, no matter how powerful, he was still just a child.

Collecting supplies, moving them, and now organizing them.

If not for the storm, this would have been easy for Paragus.

After all, he had a power level of over 3,000.

In space.

A spaceship was speeding at a terrifying speed, heading in a specific direction.

It was, undoubtedly, Talot’s spaceship.

Time passed in a flash.

In the blink of an eye, ten days had gone by.

Inside the spaceship, something very tense was happening.

Since it had been ten days since they set off, Talot had begun to take action.

“Are you sure you want to do this, little Talot? If you destroy it, not only will we lose the ability to detect with the scouter, but without the communication function, if we get into trouble, we won’t be able to send a distress signal.”

In the cockpit, Gine spoke anxiously as she watched Talot disassemble the scouter and use small tools to remove and destroy modules on the circuit board.

After all, scouters have become an essential item, relied upon by all users.

Once its common functions are lost, it’s as if most users have lost their eyes.

To put it simply, it would be like a smartphone suddenly breaking. Not only can you not make calls or be tracked, but you also have no internet. What use is such a phone other than to hold in your hand and play with, or occasionally calculate some data and record some information?

“Aunt Gine, I’ve already said that this is also Uncle Bardock’s instruction. There’s a lot he didn’t tell you because he didn’t want you to worry. Now that we’ve been away from Planet Vegeta for ten days and reached a relatively safe distance, I must start implementing the plan Uncle Bardock and I agreed on,” Talot replied as he continued his work.

Over the past few days, especially as he began his plan, Talot had attributed everything he did to Bardock’s arrangements.

It was all on Uncle Bardock’s orders, so it has nothing to do with him—he was just ensuring their safety and following orders.

“But this is so reckless. Without a communicator, how will Bardock contact us?” Gine wanted to stop him but couldn’t.

She trusted Talot wouldn’t lie to her.

Since it was Bardock’s idea, it had to be done.

“Don’t worry, Aunt Gine. I won’t destroy the message-receiving module. We just won’t be able to send messages or be tracked,” Talot explained.

He said this to reassure Gine, but in reality, they would only be able to receive broadcast-type messages.

After all, with the tracking module removed, the scouter exists in a state of being both there and not there.

It couldn’t be tracked actively, but its serial number still existed in the main system’s list.

This was something Talot had found astonishing when he first learned about this technology.

Logically, this shouldn’t be the case, but it was.

“Well… alright, just be careful,” Gine said, finally calming down after hearing this.

In less than half an hour, Talot finished modifying Gine’s scouter.

Once Gine confirmed that the other functions weren’t affected, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

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