DBEPV Chapter 22 The Protagonist of an Era

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 “It’s another new day, and I still have no idea what Bardock and Gine talked about last night.”

Muttering to himself, Talot prepared some food to fill his stomach while continuing to ponder the details.

Bardock had indeed thought things through, but there was still a certain level of risk involved.

Even if they successfully left Planet Vegeta, Talot still needed to be extremely cautious in creating the illusion that they had died along the way, eliminating any possibility of being tracked or detected.

“The past few years, spending so much time studying various technological knowledge was definitely not a waste.

“At least, I’ve destroyed the tracking and surveillance recording modules of my scouter, so I won’t be monitored or tracked by others.”

Although there is a big difference between a scouter and a spaceship, Talot had long since learned a little about medium-sized spaceships and even had a complete blueprint.

To put it simply, in the past few days, whenever he had some spare time, Talot had already identified and marked the tracking devices and surveillance modules. As long as those were removed or destroyed, not only would it not affect the spaceship’s normal navigation, but it could also send the information that the spaceship has been destroyed.

“Maybe I’m overthinking it. After all, even if Aunt Gine and I are related to Bardock, it’s unlikely we’ll really be tracked. Even though King Vegeta is wary of Bardock, Raditz is already under his control.”

Living under constant pressure for many years on Planet Vegeta, where law of the jungle is prevalent and one is always worried about various dangers, it has led him to overthink things from time to time.

On the other hand, analyzing the situation, there are so many Saiyans going out on missions and returning every day. Two five-year-old kids and a low-class warrior working in logistics, with a combined power level barely over 1000—who would pay serious attention to them?

It’s well known that a capable adult low-class warrior, if they are a combat type, would at least have several hundred, if not above thousand power level.

There are also quite a few low-class warriors with a power level of one or two thousand, just like those in Bardock’s team, where each member has a very high power level.

Speaking of which, it reminded him how Raditz was called useless and a coward when he first appeared in the original work.

Recalling the original work’s setting, the way Raditz was portrayed in the early stages of the story by Toriyama was really disappointing, with a power level belonging to the lowest-class warriors.

After transmigrating over to Planet Vegeta, Talot finally understood that a power level of 1500 could indeed only be considered decent among low-class warriors.

In fact, if it weren’t for the more complete upper-class warrior setting provided later in Toriyama’s character book, who would have thought that Raditz was actually a product of poor upbringing?

The so-called warrior who, following Vegeta and Nappa, never experienced real bloody battles and thus couldn’t improve himself.

Even if there were opportunities to fight, it was mostly just the strong slaughtering the weak, and whenever they encountered someone with a high power level, Raditz wouldn’t even have a chance to step in.

No longer dwelling on these thoughts, Talot composed himself, dressed, and walked out of the house.

He had already made all the preparations a few days ago. Now, what Talot needed to do was check the spaceship’s dock to see what was still missing.

And, of course, to get some practice.

After stepping outside, Talot saw Salari waiting for him.

She had been training with them every day recently, so she would always come early to wait for them.

Even though the training was over, she had gotten into the habit of coming to find him.

Taking this opportunity, Talot told her about their departure in two days.

About this, Salari was unusually excited.

There wasn’t any hidden motive, she was just excited about finally being able to embark on space travel and see new worlds.

Talot didn’t want to burden her with too much mental pressure, so he didn’t say much to her.

The two of them set off together to the spaceship’s docking area, completed the identity verification, and entered the spaceship. As they took inventory of the supplies, they also familiarized themselves with the interior of the ship once again.

Time passed, and suddenly, a shout came from outside the spaceship. Bardock and Gine had arrived.

Bardock had helped Gine prepare her luggage in advance, so they wouldn’t have to rush when it was time to leave the day after tomorrow.

Although Gine hadn’t gone on a mission for a long time, she wasn’t unfamiliar with it. After all, she had also invaded other planets back in the day. But as she grew older, her power level didn’t increase much, and at Bardock’s strong insistence, she eventually stayed on Planet Vegeta to do logistic work.

Of course, there was also the fact that she had been pregnant, first with Raditz, and later with Kakarot.

After briefly inspecting the spaceship together, they all left the ship, laughing and chatting.

It was only then that Talot realized that when Bardock bought the medium-sized spaceship for him, he had already planned for Gine to leave Planet Vegeta with him.

【So that’s why everything went so smoothly. It turns out you thought of more than I did. And all those things I’ve been doing recently, you must have noticed, but you just didn’t say anything.】 Talot thought to himself.

Bardock was truly wise, and his intelligence highlighted his extraordinary nature.

No wonder he was considered the protagonist of an era.

In one parallel timeline, he even managed to luckily survive Planet Vegeta’s explosion and was sent back in time to Planet Plant, before it was invaded and renamed by the Saiyans.

Not only did he achieve the Super Saiyan transformation and create its legend, but he also defeated one of Frieza’s ancestors, the space pirate Chilled.

Thinking about this, Talot couldn’t help but shake his head.

If such a thing were to really happen, even if he wished on the Dragon Balls, would he be able to bring him back?

Although time travel seems unrealistic, Talot himself had already transmigrated into this world as a Saiyan from another world, so what else could be impossible?

As if sensing Talot’s change, Bardock looked up at him.

Their eyes met, and Talot suddenly shivered, snapping back to reality.

“What’s wrong, little Talot?” Bardock asked, using a teasing tone, though it was unclear what he was thinking.

“Nothing, it’s just that I was suddenly filled with many emotions. I wonder what the future holds?” Talot said, somewhat ambiguously.

His words also made Gine feel depressed.

The three of them each had their own thoughts, but since none of them could read the other’s mind, all they could do was speculate.

“Don’t think too much about it. The only way to know what the future holds is to experience it for yourself,” Bardock said.

After he said this, the previously quiet atmosphere changed once again.

Talot nodded but didn’t respond.

Gine could only choose to believe in Bardock more.

Salari was still young. Although mature in some ways, she was still unable to pick up on subtle cues.

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