DBEPV Chapter 20 Beerus’s Order! Destroy the Saiyans

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 “Yo~~! It’s been a while. You’ve been living quite a comfortable life, huh, Frieza?”

Beerus casually picked his ear with one hand, his expression lazy, and his tone teasing as he looked at Frieza, who was putting on airs aboard his spaceship.

The moment that familiar voice sounded, the smile on Frieza’s face froze. At the same time, everyone in the cockpit turned around.

Fear was inevitable. Not only because of who had arrived, but also how they had gotten there.

The fact that someone dared to speak like that—well, it was practically a death wish.

This might even drag them into trouble.

And Frieza?

Seeing Beerus and Whis in person, Frieza’s pupils suddenly contracted, and his heart skipped a beat as the buried fear in his heart surged out uncontrollably.

The next second, he did something unimaginable, something that shattered everyone’s worldview.

He quickly jumped down from his pod, and then dropped to his knees, prostrating himself before Beerus.

For anyone, even in their wildest dreams, this was beyond belief.

This was Frieza, the fearsome Emperor of the Universe!

“God of Destruction-sama, p-please forgive me for not welcoming you properly.”

Frieza kept his head bowed low, his voice trembling, cold sweat pouring down his face like raindrops from the overwhelming fear in his heart.

He had no idea how Beerus had suddenly appeared on his spaceship without warning.

But the fear of the God of Destruction had been deeply ingrained in him ever since their first meeting, something he could never forget for the rest of his life.

Such power, enough to kill him with a single glance.

Beerus said nothing, strolling through the spaceship with his hands behind his back. This tense silence only made Frieza more anxious, unsure of why Beerus had come this time and what it meant.

To ease the situation, Frieza looked up at his still-stunned subordinates.

No words were needed; everyone was frightened by Frieza’s gaze.

Two elite warriors quickly understood Frieza’s intentions and wisely knelt before Beerus.

“Greetings, God of Destruction-sama,” X2

It had to be said, to make it to the rank of elite warrior and earn Frieza’s favor, they were no fools with just brute strength.

With this move, the others immediately followed suit.

“You’ve managed to gather a couple of decent subordinates, Frieza.” Seeing this, Beerus couldn’t help but tease him.

His tone grew increasingly mocking, with an intense pressure behind his words.

Frieza forcibly suppressed his fear and unease, swallowed hard, and slowly raised his head to look up at Beerus, asking, “Lord Beerus, you flatter me. I wonder what task you might have for me this time? Please, just say the word.”

Seeing Frieza so perceptive, Beerus walked right up to him, while Whis remained standing calmly on the side.

“I’ve heard that you’ve been quite full of yourself these past few years, even calling yourself the Emperor of the Universe.

“Tsk, tsk, you’re pretty smart, using my name to make a name for yourself. Although it’s a bit annoying, I have to admit, you’re actually quite suited to be my temporary agent.

“The reason I’m here today is twofold: first, my sleep time is approaching, and I need to find a suitable agent for the next few decades. Second, there are still quite a few planets in the universe that need to be destroyed, so you know what to do, right?”

As Beerus finished speaking, Frieza was both surprised and flattered.

The fear in his eyes vanished, replaced by overwhelming joy.

To reach the position of Emperor of the Universe, his intelligence was naturally quite high.

He had been worried that Beerus had come to punish him for using the God of Destruction’s name to achieve his goals.

But now, from Beerus’s words, it seemed like he was just putting on a show of reprimanding him, while in reality, he was granting him authority!

To make him the true agent of the God of Destruction, which meant that during Beerus’s slumber, he would essentially be the God of Destruction!!!

The God of Destruction! The being at the top of the universe! In the universe, no matter who you are, before the God of Destruction, you are nothing but an ant!

Becoming the agent of such power means that Frieza could move around the universe as he wishes and no one would have the right to stop him!

In other words: Destruction by decree!

“It is an immense honor for someone as lowly as myself to receive your favor, Lord Beerus. Rest assured, during your slumber, I will not disappoint you!” Frieza’s tone shifted.

He was now eager, excited.

“Very good. Since you understand, I will be watching your performance. But let me warn you, don’t abuse your power! If you do, I’ll make sure to destroy you when I wake up,” Beerus narrowed his eyes, using the carrot and stick method, making it clear to Frieza that even as an agent, he cannot act recklessly.

Understanding Beerus’ intent, Frieza immediately promised, “I understand. Please don’t worry, Lord Beerus! When you wake up, I will have shaped the universe into something even more to your liking.”

This was the time to express his loyalty.

To him, this was the perfect opportunity to dominate the universe!

Beerus didn’t delve further, nor did he care about Frieza’s exact plans, as long as he didn’t destroy all the planets in the universe during his slumber.

“Oh, and I’ve also heard that you’ve been investigating some Saiyan legend recently, something about a… Super Saiyan? Are you planning to take action against their race?” Suddenly, Beerus changed the topic.

This abrupt shift caused Frieza’s heart to skip a beat.

A bad feeling immediately crept in.

Not many knew about his plans to deal with the Saiyans, but to think that God of Destruction Beerus knew even about this.

For a moment, Frieza felt a cold chill down his spine.

Is Beerus warning me?

This was the real thought in Frieza’s mind at that moment.

There was no doubt—speaking so directly, Beerus was making it clear that he knew everything Frieza was up to.

Frieza had no choice but to answer truthfully, “Yes, Lord Beerus. How should I handle the Saiyans?”

Not fully understanding Beerus’ intentions, Frieza’s question was an attempt to gauge his stance.

If the God of Destruction wanted to spare them, then no matter how displeased Frieza was, he wouldn’t be able to make a move against them—at most, he could just suppress them a bit.

But if the God of Destruction wanted to eliminate the Saiyan race as well, then… plans would need to be accelerated! That would suit Frieza perfectly!

“A few days ago, I visited Planet Vegeta and witnessed the so-called warrior race, the Saiyans. In the end, they’re nothing but a bunch of simple-minded brutes. A race that has neither strength nor delicious food, their existence is a joke.

“Since you’re already planning to take action, I’ll leave the Saiyan race to you. The Saiyans have no reason to continue existing, and that Planet Vegeta doesn’t need to exist either.”

As Beerus finished speaking, a deep purple light flickered in his eyes.

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