DBEPV Chapter 17 Nightfall, Sending Kakarot Away

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 The story of buying Saibaman seeds goes back to a few days ago.

Bardock took Talot to the royal city to purchase a spaceship and register for the mission. During this time, they coincidentally met Bardock’s teammates.

As a result, under the encouragement of these teammates, Bardock took Talot to a tavern to relax.

In that tavern, Talot accidentally saw an elite upper-class warrior secretly trading Saibaman seeds for merit points. Talot seized the opportunity to buy the five Saibaman seeds at the same price.

Since then, Talot realized that Saiyans also secretly engage in such shady transactions.

And it seemed that this tavern was a place for such transactions.

This incident also served as a lesson for Talot.

Afterward, Talot received a scolding from Bardock.

The lesson was about not flaunting one’s wealth.

Talot understood, but when he saw something he wanted and had the means to get it, he didn’t think too much.

In the end, it was because he was too young and too weak.

At his age, spending thousands of merit points without hiding his identity—using Bardock’s words, if someone with ill intentions had noticed, his life could have been in danger.

Luckily, Bardock was there, so the transaction went smoothly.

As for Talot trading for the Saibaman seeds, Bardock didn’t delve too deeply into it.

Perhaps to him, these things were mere toys.

Talot even thought that he didn’t need to spend those merit points on a secret exchange; he could have just asked Bardock for some.

Reflecting on this reckless action, Talot realized he had been too caught up in the moment and almost made a grave mistake.

Besides the Saibaman seeds, there were also special medicines and healing liquids.

These were easy to obtain, just costing some merit points.

With Bardock’s guidance, Talot traded for quite a few from legitimate shops.

Of course, he spent his own merit points; Bardock didn’t pay for anything else.

It seemed that Bardock was showing Talot through actions that he had already helped as much as he could, and from now on, it was up to himself.

After wandering around the market with Salari for a while, Talot finally parted with her for the time being.

Actually, Talot found her too clingy, and with her around, he couldn’t get many things done.

Without her, Talot quickly returned home to check the time.

His plan was to take advantage of Bardock’s absence in the afternoon to visit Aunt Gine and test if she would be willing to accompany him on the mission, thereby luring her away from Planet Vegeta.

However, upon entering the house, Talot saw that Kakarot had come out of the incubator, so he had to put that idea on hold.

The timing was not right; with Kakarot here, he couldn’t possibly take Kakarot on the mission with him.

Even if Talot agreed, it probably wouldn’t be allowed during registration.

Secretly taking the mother and son on the spaceship?

That was possible.

But if discovered, it wouldn’t be a small matter.

For almost the entire afternoon, Talot stayed by Gine’s side, as well as Kakarot’s.

Perhaps because he knew Kakarot was the protagonist, Talot felt strange when he was around Kakarot.

This gave rise to a rather peculiar thought. When he meets Kakarot again in the future, he could boast a bit.

For example, when he sees Kakarot again, he could naturally say: “Kakarot, when you were little, I even held you. Back then, you were so weak that all you did was cry.”

Night fell.

It was very late when Bardock finally returned from the royal city.

Logically, he should have come back by dusk after seeing off Raditz.

It wasn’t until Talot saw the small single-person spaceship that Bardock brought back that he realized the story was now officially advancing.

The scene from Dragon Ball Minus played out in front of him for real.

As an observer, Bardock allowed him to watch and ultimately see Kakarot off.

Gine was heartbroken, but she was indeed helpless, because this was Bardock’s arrangement. Bardock wouldn’t deceive her or make things up.

After seeing off Kakarot, the three of them didn’t return home immediately but stared blankly at the starry sky.

After a long while, Bardock broke the silence.

“Little Talot, there were many things I couldn’t tell you before, but now the time has come, and you should know.”

Hearing this, Talot’s expression turned serious. This time, he didn’t pretend to know nothing.

“Uncle Bardock, from the conversation you had with Aunt Gine just now, I already guessed it. It must be that Frieza is planning to act against us Saiyans, right? That’s why you came back so decisively—not only to send off Raditz and Kakarot but also to send me away.”

As he finished speaking, Talot and Bardock locked eyes.

The wise look in Talot’s eyes made Bardock even more amazed. “You’re indeed smart, kid. There’s only you left now. You should be able to complete all preparations within two days, right? Before I depart, take your Salari and leave Planet Vegeta.”

Bardock’s tone was very serious, leaving no room for Talot to argue.

Gine, feeling Bardock was being overly cautious, said, “Do we really have to be this cautious, Bardock? Even if what you say is true, then…”

Before she could finish, Bardock interrupted her.

“Trust me, Gine! And I’ve already made up my mind. This time, you can leave Planet Vegeta with Talot and avoid this turmoil…

“If nothing happens, that would be best. But if something unimaginable does occur, we’ll be glad for the advance preparation.”

Bardock said a lot in one breath, shocking both Gine and Talot.

Gine was shocked that Bardock wanted her to leave with Talot. An inexplicable sense of panic swept through her mind, causing her to breathe rapidly and with difficulty.

Talot was shocked because, before he could even suggest it, Bardock had made such a decision.

“If Aunt Gine leaves with me, what about you, Uncle Bardock?” Talot took a deep breath, thinking that if things could change, perhaps Bardock wouldn’t return to Planet Vegeta after completing the mission on Planet Kanassa.

However, Talot also knew this was impossible.

Otherwise, the original work wouldn’t have the legendary last stand!

Bardock’s sense of duty was too strong. In a moment of life and death for the entire race, how could he seek to save his own skin?

“Don’t worry about me! Don’t forget, my power level is over ten thousand! Even King Vegeta would have a hard time beating me!” Bardock laughed.

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