DBEPV Chapter 15 Bringing Salari along!

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 Towards Bardock’s final request, Raditz readily agreed. 

One could say that Raditz, who had never suffered beatings, faced setbacks, or endured harsh trials, had a straightforward disposition and was full of confidence in everything. He had no idea what challenges lay ahead for him.

At this moment, he believed himself to be able to do anything, determined that he would become the pillar of the family, and thus took on responsibilities voluntarily.

Bardock was very satisfied with his behavior but did not force him.

As long as Raditz at this moment was the way he wanted to see him, that was enough. The future could only be left to the future.

Having experienced countless ups and downs in his life, Bardock knew well that people can change.

Frankly, if Bardock knew the developments in the future, he would be very emotional because everything happened as he imagined.

No! It was even more brutal than he imagined.

Time unknowingly passed and soon it was afternoon.

Because they purchased a lot of supplies in the royal city, they wasted a lot of time.

During this period, Bardock also met the members of his team.

Although they still didn’t know when or which planet the next mission would be, they had long since gotten used to it while following Bardock.

So, having returned only yesterday, they were already preparing the necessities for the next expedition today.

Bardock and Raditz returned home.

At this time, Talot and Salari had also come back.

After explaining their training progress to Bardock, he was shocked by the talent shown by Talot and Salari.

At the same time, Raditz, who had not yet officially started training, felt a bit frustrated and immediately ran off to train by himself.

“Well done, but you still need time to consolidate the basics I’ve taught you! Don’t become too arrogant just because you think you’ve learned it.” To prevent Talot and Salari from becoming conceited, Bardock warned them.

They would all eventually go to the battlefield, and excessive arrogance could make them lose their way, thinking they were very powerful when they actually were not.

“Don’t worry, Uncle Bardock.”

“Understood, I’ll work even harder, Uncle Bardock.”

Talot and Salari nodded in response.

Getting the answers he wanted, Bardock then talked about the upcoming arrangements.

For the next seven days, from morning until night, he would spend all his time teaching them how to become stronger, even using actual combat to teach them how to truly fight.

Not only Salari, but Talot also looked forward to it.

After all, in terms of strength, even if Bardock wasn’t currently the strongest of the Saiyans, he was at least among the top.

Considering the power level of over ten thousand, the result of sparring with him was predictable. But, undoubtedly, the improvement brought by real combat would be much greater for them.

After confirming the training arrangements, Talot, disregarding Salari’s presence, directly asked Bardock about his encounter at the palace.

Anyway, Salari was already part of this small group, and for the next few days, they would spend most of their time together, if not living together. There was no need to hide anything.

Moreover, it didn’t matter if Salari knew some things. The conversation between Bardock and Talot was not about confidential matters.

As for the confidential ones, Bardock certainly wouldn’t tell Talot, such as his encounter on Planet Cereal, concealing the biggest event: Frieza’s plot against the Saiyans.

“So, it’s settled that Raditz and Prince Vegeta will set out for Planet Larp in seven days, and Uncle Bardock will leave to conquer Planet Kanassa in ten days?” Talot couldn’t help but speak up.

The rapid pace was overwhelming. If he hadn’t already considered the worst possibilities over the past two days, he would be feeling anxious.

“So, are you starting to regret it now, Little Talot?” Bardock asked with a chuckle, looking at Talot.

Talot shook his head vigorously and laughed sheepishly, “Once I’ve made a decision, I won’t regret it. It’s just that there are so many things to consider. Invading a medium-sized planet alone might not be difficult, but it’s not easy either.”

“What scheme are you plotting this time? Tell me about it.” Bardock could easily discern the underlying meaning in Talot’s words.

Although the Saiyan warriors appeared to be all brawn and no brains, this wasn’t the case. Many Saiyans were highly intelligent. However, they often didn’t need to think too much about things that could be solved by strength.

Hearing this, Talot genuinely laughed and said, “As expected of Uncle Bardock, you know what’s on my mind without me saying anything.”

Bardock shook his head helplessly. Even though they hadn’t seen each other for more than half a year, how could he not understand Talot’s personality?

Salari, who had been listening, felt her heart tremble. Her small mind was consumed with just one word: Expedition!

Everyone was going on expeditions, and although she, as a low-class warrior, had reached the age of five and could follow the main force to go on expeditions and carry out missions, she had no control over choosing her own future.

The prideful little girl unconsciously lowered her head, clenching her small fists.

Talot, who was beside Salari, noticed her unusual behavior immediately.

Sighing inwardly, he turned to Bardock and said, “Uncle Bardock, I know you’ve already made arrangements for me, but I want to bring two people with me on the expedition. Do you think that’s possible?”

He was probing, using this opportunity to find out Bardock’s true intentions for him.

Hearing this, Salari lifted her head and looked at Talot inquiringly, asking if he meant to take her along.

“You want to bring along Salari, right? As an upper-class warrior, you indeed have three slots. As long as the others are low-class warriors and agree to accept your command, they can join your team!

“However, you must remember that the merit points for conquering a medium-level planet range from 10,000 to 100,000. If you choose to bring subordinates, you must allocate at least ten percent of the merit points to each person!

“Moreover, if a low-class warrior dies in your team, you will lose double the merit points.”

Bardock’s response made Talot even more certain of his plan.

“That’s fine. I don’t really care about the merit points. Besides, if I don’t bring Salari along, she won’t be willing to do logistics work and might end up dying if she joins another team,” Talot said with a smile.

Bardock, hearing this seemingly casual remark, felt that Talot was truly amazing.

For Saiyans, merit points were a symbol of honor and a necessary currency for survival!

Clearly, in Talot’s mind, people were more important than merit points!

“You rascal! If that’s the case, I won’t say much more. In the coming days, I’ll take you to file the application. I’ll also lend you some merit points to buy a medium-sized spaceship. Remember to pay me back double when you return after completing the mission,” Bardock said with a smile.

“Double? Uncle Bardock, that’s a bit too much!” Talot didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

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