DBEPV Chapter 13 A Glimpse into King Vegeta’s Ambition

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 Late at night.

Talot had already returned home and lay in bed, continuing to contemplate life.

He had gained a lot from the battle with Raditz.

Although some minor incidents had occurred, they were ultimately unimportant.

Reflecting on Bardock’s words to him and Raditz, Talot deeply understood that even if he could fight above his level, making it difficult for Raditz to deal with him, it was merely taking advantage of luck.

If they fought again, Raditz would inevitably find his weak points quickly.

Unless he improved his tactics again, Raditz would defeat him even faster and with less effort.

In short, there were many areas where he needed to improve, and he had to accumulate combat experience bit by bit, achieving breakthroughs through practice.

What surprised Talot was that Bardock said he would guide him and Raditz in combat techniques over the next few days.

This was impossible in the past.

Even though Raditz had asked Bardock before, Bardock had always refused.

The sudden offer made Talot think that Bardock knew a great storm was coming, so he made the decision to teach them during this period to give them greater self-defense abilities.

He even included Salari.

“Although we grew up together, Bardock is being too direct… Does he really think I’d be interested in a little girl?

“Salari is indeed pretty, but she’s quite strong-willed, and I’m not interested in little girls.”

Talot felt a bit helpless.

Anyone with discerning eyes could see that Salari liked him.

Frankly speaking, Talot had considered this issue many times.

He didn’t want to leave too many emotional ties or get involved with too many people.

Because Talot knew he couldn’t save many people.

In these few days, he hadn’t stopped thinking about her, but he wasn’t even sure if his plan was feasible, so thinking too much was useless.

“While Bardock is guiding us in our training these days, I need to start implementing my plan step by step.” After saying this, Talot continued to meditate for a while, then fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning, Talot got up full of energy, washed up briefly, and went outside, where Salari was already waiting for him.

It seemed that Bardock’s words from last night about teaching them had made her very excited.

After all, for all low-class warriors, Bardock’s status was very high, and his strength was evident for all to see.

Salari also had the belief to become stronger, and among the low-class warriors of her age, she was considered quite outstanding.

As a female, she could have easily taken the job of a support-type Saiyan in logistics.

But her strong-willed nature wouldn’t allow it! This was one of the reasons why Talot found her to be strong-willed.

Of course, it might also have something to do with her parents’ unfortunate deaths during a mission last year.

Soon, Raditz also came out of the house, obviously just waking up, still looking a bit drowsy.

The three greeted each other, with Raditz and Salari naturally not saying much.

They went inside, where Gine had prepared a lot of food.

Saiyans are big eaters and need to consume a lot of food at each meal.

After breakfast, Bardock took the three of them to a small hill outside the city.

“In two hours, I have to take Raditz to the palace, so we don’t have much time today. I can only teach you some simple strength control methods and breathing techniques…”

As Bardock spoke, he started his unique teaching mode.

It was effective, to say the least.

But in the whole two hours, he only talked about some simple power control techniques, body movement methods, and the breathing rhythm during physical exercises.

For Raditz and Salari, it was undoubtedly as if they had hit a jackpot.

But for Talot, who had already reached a certain level of mastery in Ki training, it only took a short time to fully grasp it.

This explains why the original work emphasizes the importance of Ki training. Once you reach a certain level in this aspect, training in anything else also speeds up.

Although in later years, during the Dragon Ball Super era, the training methods for Godly Ki completely overshadowed those for Ki, it must be said that Ki training will never become obsolete. If you reach a high enough level, it can be as good as Godly Ki training.

After Bardock and Raditz left, Talot and Salari did not return home but stayed to continue their training.

Thus, Talot ended up teaching Salari.

It seemed absurd, but that’s how it was. Talot picked it up so easily, but Salari just couldn’t get the hang of it and kept messing up. Talot couldn’t stand watching it any longer.

With Talot’s help, Salari was finally able to grasp the basics of what Bardock had taught.

Little did Talot know, his intentional and unintentional actions at times won the young girl’s heart.

In the royal city.

At the palace.

After parting with Raditz, Bardock went to see King Vegeta alone.

No one knew the specifics of this meeting except for King Vegeta and Bardock.

Even though Bardock was a low-class warrior, King Vegeta showed him enough respect and consideration.

After talking about some insignificant topics, they finally talked about Frieza Force and Bardock’s encounter during the Planet Cereal mission.

Bardock did not hold back much from King Vegeta, expressing his loyalty.

Learning the details, King Vegeta was furious but also helpless.

He had to temporarily suppress his anger and then arranged Bardock’s next mission.

“This time on Planet Kanassa, you must pay special attention to why Frieza is so eager to obtain this planet.

“We Saiyans will not always remain under Frieza’s command! Despite all our conquests for him over the years, we only get schemed against in return!”

“Bardock, after you complete this mission, I will secretly gather all the upper-class warriors and elite warriors! When you have conquered Planet Kanassa, I will also give Frieza a grand surprise.”

King Vegeta’s ambition was evident.

He had long coveted the throne of the Universal Emperor.

“Yes, King Vegeta! In half a month… no, in ten days, I will set off and conquer Planet Kanassa as quickly as possible.” Bardock promised.

King Vegeta nodded solemnly and then said, “Rest assured about your son. I have made all the arrangements. In a week, I plan to have Vegeta lead a team to invade Planet Larp. Your son will receive the best protection.”

“Planet Larp? Understood, Your Majesty!” Bardock nodded without objection or protest.

King Vegeta saw through Bardock’s thoughts but did not want to continue with useless talk: “If there’s nothing else, you may leave now. Spend some time with your children and wife. I heard your younger son’s power level is only 2. Don’t worry too much about it.”

King Vegeta was quite skilled in using both carrot and stick.

“Yes! I will take my leave, Your Majesty” Bardock didn’t linger. After bowing, he turned and left the palace hall.

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