APJ Chapter 683 Dad, save me!

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Hassaikai smashed into the ground, then swept horizontally towards Yamato, sending torn-up fragments of the floor flying at her like a grenade.

Luckily, her instincts from facing Kaido were still sharp. She quickly conjured up an ice shield with one hand to block the flying fragments.

“What are you doing?!! You start acting crazy after just a little bit of alcohol?!”

“Don’t be ridiculous. There’s no way I could get drunk from that little bit of alcohol. I just realized I made a mistake… I haven’t been caring enough about you…Waahh!”

For Kaido, he can go without food, but not alcohol. Unless there was a special reason to abstain from drinking, wherever he rests is practically a wine cellar.

He picked up a jar of alcohol—well, more like a huge vat—and took big gulps of the strong liquor. As he drank, he started to cry.

Seeing Kaido begin to cry, a shadow crossed Yamato’s heart. The vat of alcohol was indeed large, but with Kaido’s physique, he could finish it in an instant. He was drunk because he wanted to be, not because he’d reached his limit.

Kaido’s emotions reflected his state of mind. Once he started crying, it meant he was already at his tipping point.

“Care… Care? You call this care?!”

“Yamato, you don’t understand. Sea is very dangerous. If you’re not strong enough, it would be better for you to die by my hand than out there!”


The floor had already been torn up, but this time the blow struck the ceiling. Debris flew everywhere, and a massive crater appeared in the floor, with huge cracks even extending to the nearby walls.

“Damn it, father! Why would I die out there?!”

“Because you’re too weak! With your current strength, you wouldn’t stand a chance against Whitebeard, the siege of Marine headquarters, that old man Garp, ancient weapons, or the revived Rocks… hic…”


Even Yamato was at a loss for words. It started off somewhat normal, but by the end, he was rambling about ancient weapons and Rocks, who was long dead. She couldn’t understand what Kaido was thinking anymore.

“Get a grip! Why would I go looking for trouble with those old guys?! Besides, when I beat that old lion, didn’t you say you acknowledged me and I could do whatever I wanted from then on?”

“Did I say that?”

“You did!”

“I don’t remember. Maybe it was your Dad who promised that, not me. If that’s the case, then show me that power you used back then one more time.”

Kaido didn’t continue his attack but stood there holding his kanabo, waiting for Yamato’s next move.

Kaido’s silence spoke volumes. Ever since that battle, Zekrom had once again returned to its aloof state toward Yamato, as if Zekrom had never existed at all.

Though Yamato had undergone some changes and could now use simple lightning techniques, summoning Zekrom’s shadow and entering the Overdrive mode like that day was impossible.

“Worororo, I knew it! You can’t do it. You’re too weak like this, and you need to hurry up and get stronger! Blast Breath!”

Kaido’s ambition was a chaotic world where strength alone determined status. That’s why he loved war and was obsessed with battle. Having grown up on the battlefield, his understanding of kindness was completely different from that of normal people.

Only those with strength have the right to make demands and pursue dreams. In this dangerous world, the weak have no say in their future. As for his own daughter, he had even more abnormal expectations.

Though tyrannical, Kaido was still human and had his own preferences. For the subordinates he acknowledged, he had his own biases. In the original timeline, when he heard that Doflamingo had been captured, Kaido complained that Doflamingo was too weak.

But when Jack was defeated, Kaido didn’t blame him; instead, he said the enemy was too strong.

With Yamato, his expectations were completely different. He didn’t give Yamato the option to be “weak.” His daughter had to be strong, even if that strength was directed at killing him.

As the scorching flames rushed towards her, Yamato opened her mouth and unleashed an Ice Breath.

“Namuji Glacier Fang!”

Yamato wasn’t one to take a beating without fighting back. Over the years, she had evolved from being on the receiving end of Kaido’s beatings to being able to hit back, and mutual brawls with Kaido had become the norm.

The clash of hot and cold energies destroyed the wall decorations, and even the sprinklers in the corridor started spraying water.

The aftermath of their attacks was significant, but no other pirates were injured. The vast size of Onigashima’s building kept them out of harm’s way, and their structure, reinforced with Arceus Steel, remained intact.

Most importantly, the pirates on Onigashima had learned from experience: unless a high-ranking officer was nearby, it was best to stay as far away from Kaido as possible when he was eating or drinking.

Note: Yamato is an exception. When both father and daughter are present, the aftermath could far exceed the usual.

“Worororo, that’s more like it! Only in extreme situations can a person surpass their limits. But you’re still far from it. Drunken Dragon Bagua!”

Blue scales covered Kaido’s entire body as he entered his Human-Beast form. However, there was a hint of disappointment in his voice. His Drunken Dragon Bagua was more powerful than Thunder Bagua, and it was accompanied by intense mood swings—post-drunken disappointment was the beginning of it.

“Damn it, father, stop doing whatever crazy thing comes to your mind! Ice Wolf Bagua!”

There was no lightning, only extreme cold spreading out. Under the influence of her ability, Takeru 7.0 evolved into an ice-spiked kanabo. As Yamato swung the weapon, the phantom of a dragon transformed into an ice wolf flew out.

Their weapons didn’t collide; instead, they began a clash from a distance. This was an advanced use of Armament Haki, where they could strike from afar and even bypass external defenses to cause internal damage. It was clear that both of them were going all out.

“Boo hoo… You’re doing great, but how about this! Drunken Dragon Dance: Lightning Hammered Ragnaraku!”

Kaido’s mood shifted from disappointment to sorrow. His muscles bulged, and after a Dragon Dance, his powerful strength sent Yamato flying. Then, he coated his Hassaikai with formidable Conqueror’s Haki, and imbued it with powerful lightning, before slamming it towards Yamato.

In this “gentle” mode, Kaido’s attacks rapidly increased in power, leaving Yamato no time to adapt.

Although Yamato used the terrain to block the attack, the buildings of Onigashima were pushed to their limits. A large hole appeared on the floor, and she fell directly to the next level.

“Yamato, can you explain to me what you two are doing?”

A shadow loomed over Yamato as Arceus appeared before her amidst the dust, bringing her a sense of relief.

“Dad, save me! That b*stard of a father has completely lost it!”

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