APJ Chapter 661 *Title Hidden*

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“Maria, get out of the way.”

Jack glanced at the incoming green fireball. Black light flashed across his body before he charged at the chemical fireball.

There’s a limit to his Weakness against Fire. Flames of this intensity didn’t scare him. Indigo’s chemical fireball relied on chemical agents for damage; the flames were only secondary and were like a mere tickle to him.

As for the chemical toxins, metals don’t get poisoned.


Jack’s huge trunk swung forward, swatting the chemical fireball to the ground. The ball exploded, emitting thick smoke that enveloped Jack’s body.

According to the well-known law of harmless smoke*, Jack emerged unscathed from the smoke, just coughing twice from choking. [ TN: Check out this page for meaning of this- https://shorturl.at/CoNVq ]

Indigo wanted to continue attacking, but Jack lost interest in being hit. He realized he had overestimated the strength of the officers here.

“Don’t use these childish tricks on me!”

Copperajah charged and reached Indigo, raising his forelimb to stomp on him.


Dirt and rocks flew as Jack missed; Indigo didn’t have the strength to dodge Jack’s attack on his own; it was a gorilla that helped him.

“Roar roar roar.”

A huge gorilla in a red suit appeared before Jack, roaring loudly.


Seeing the large gorilla didn’t stop Jack. Whether it was a gorilla or a person, anyone blocking his way will face the same fate.

He smashed his metallic trunk at the gorilla, but he surprisingly encountered some resistance. This gorilla was stronger than Indigo.

But the result was the same. The gorilla was whipped away by Jack’s trunk, crashing through several trees before stopping.

“Scarlet, is that thing done?” Indigo asked the gorilla.

Scarlet is the name of this gorilla. Ever since discovering this island, Golden Lion had Indigo conduct similar experiments.

Their test subjects were primarily various animals. Before discovering Corviknight, they usually looked for animals from Grand Line and other sea areas for their experiments.

Numerous Island of Rare Animals exist in the vast sea, home to magical creatures. The animals on those Island of Rare Animals were their targets.

Scarlet is considered an exception. It is the beast king of an Island of Rare Animals in East Blue. While being very powerful, it also possesses intelligence that is no less than humans. It got along very well with the foolish Golden Lion back then, and thus became his subordinate.


Scarlet pounded his chest. Compared to the crazy Golden Lion, even though Indigo was also not normal, he was still more in tune with the times.

While the Golden Lion was held back by Yamato’s taunts, Scarlet led others to destroy the defense wall around IQ plants, letting the monsters in.

Due to the continuous tremors from the Golden Lion and Yamato’s battle, Jack and Maria noticed the strange berserk monsters only when they were close.

“I’ll handle the beasts; you deal with that man and the gorilla. Any problem?”

Jack roughly assigned their respective opponents. In his opinion, those beasts were obviously more difficult to deal with than Indigo.

“No, I’ll handle the beasts. That gorilla… it disgusts me.”

While Jack assigned opponents based on strength, Maria chose based on personal preference. Just as she found the Spider-Human form too ugly before, she now felt a similar physiological discomfort with Scarlet.

The gorilla’s eyes sparkled with hearts, even blushing.

“Roar roar roar!”

The gorilla had a lustful nature towards human females, especially Maria who was as similarly sized as it.

“As you wish, but be careful. Those beasts seem to be in a berserk state.”

“Don’t worry. In my web, those mindless beasts are mere prey.”

Maria’s fingers interlocked, and as she spread her hands, a web filled with electricity formed between them. Seeing the mindless charging beasts, Maria cast out a ball of spider silk. As the Electroweb spread out and fell from the sky, Galvantula’s hunting ground was complete.

Indigo’s experiments weren’t very successful, and they often used electricity to repel the beasts during modifications, making them fear electricity.

Under Maria’s Electroweb, most of them were powerless.

Scarlet faced the same fate. In Human-Beast form, Jack’s fists mercilessly pounded the gorilla. Compared to ordinary beasts, it was strong but it was no match for Jack.

Golden Lion forgot that the current Flying Pirates were no longer what they used to be. He had lost his powerful officers, and with him being held back, the Flying Pirates were without any formidable cards.

“Slicing Wave!”

“Thunder Bagua!”

The shockwave from the clash between slashes and kanabo overturned the nearby stream. Golden Lion controlled the water, forming two enormous lions that lunged at Yamato.

“Namuji Glacier Fang!”

“Lion’s Threat: Imperial Earth Bind!”

Namuji Glacier Fang froze the stream, but the shattered ice reformed into new lion heads. This repeated several times, making Golden Lion envious of Yamato’s vigorous stamina.

“Zoan-type’s stamina is really unreasonable, but how long can you last?”

With a wave, a huge lion formed from the earth, its rock fangs snapping at Yamato.

“At least… longer than an old ba*tard like you!”

A hole was punched through the lion mountain. Yamato, using the air as a springboard, outsped the lion mountain’s pursuit, aiming her kanabo at the helm on the Golden Lion’s head.

Although he dodged again, she noticed something.

Golden Lion’s slashes were sharp, and his reflexes quick, but those were muscle memory. Apart from his Slicing Wave, he mainly used the Float-Float Fruit to control numerous inanimate objects in attacks.

As for defense, he blocked with rocks and soil, or countered with Slicing Wave, or evaded using flight. He never used Armament Haki to directly block attacks.

Clearly, just blocking an attack would allow him to launch a more effective counterattack. She doubted this old era’s overlord lacked such basic combat experience

“Say…you couldn’t have forgotten how to use Haki, did you?!”

Golden Lion said nothing, transforming into a black-faced lion. Yamato’s words stabbed at his heart once again. He had started noticing problems with his body since he escaped from the prison. Haki he could once use effortlessly had become unstable since then.

APJ Chapter 661 You’ve lost your Haki

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