APJ Chapter 652 Hurry up, I’m in a hurry!

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Back then, after Arceus and others arrived on Skypiea, Shardians erected three totem poles, symbolizing the ancient god Arceus and his two divine envoys, Serperior and Zeraora.

They became stories that the children who grew up afterwards knew by heart, but except for Serperior, they had never seen Arceus or Zeraora before, making this their first encounter.

After receiving the order, Zeraora rushed over to Skypiea at full speed. But, Skypiea was far away from Onigashima, and even though he could fly, it still took some time. However, it seemed like he arrived just in time.

“Youngsters, your courage is commendable, but this is not somewhere you should be. Nola! Take them away, it’s time for a substitution!”

Zeraora grabbed Enel’s gold staff with one hand. Despite Enel channeling electricity into his weapon, it had no effect on Zeraora.

Zeraora could not only absorb external lightning to use for himself, but his innate ability was also Volt Absorb.

No matter how powerful the lightning attack, it was like “Golden Healing Shuriken” to him, not causing any damage and even restoring his stamina and replenishing more electrical energy. [*Ash’s Greninja’s Golden Water Shuriken during its fight with Charizard.]


Two thick Vine Whips extended from Serperior’s neck area, wrapping around Wyper and the others to take them away from here.

Enel did not remain passive. Although it seemed that neither he nor Zeraora had moved, in reality, his every move was interrupted by Zeraora.

However, they were moving so fast that the people nearby couldn’t even see their afterimages in the darkness. The only thing they could perceive were a few flashes of lightning.

“I heard there was an ignorant person on Skypiea who calls himself a god. Looks like it’s you.”

“You beasts… one after another… you are really making me angry. El Thor!”

Ever since arriving on Skypiea, no one acknowledged his status as a God. Previously, the Shandians at least feared his power, and Serperior was very cautious when battling him.

But from Zeraora, he sensed a feeling of disdain. His wrist transformed into lightning, reaching into the clouds, drawing down a lightning bolt several meters thick, striking directly at Zeraora.

“Foolish beast, this is the price of looking down on a god. Face the divine punishment! Yahaha…”

But halfway through his laughter, Enel suddenly sensed something unusual. Amidst the lightning, there was no sound, only a figure stretching.

“You’re so kind, it’s going to be difficult for me when I beat you up later.”

The electricity consumed as he was coming over had been replenished, with even some excess. Zeraora had never encountered such an interesting power bank; its efficiency is even higher than Electivire.

Despite saying this, Zeraora didn’t hold back at all when attacking.

[Hit his head from the left]

Enel sensed Zeraora’s thoughts, but before he could react, Zeraora’s kick, covered in a layer of black Haki, had already landed on his head.

He wasn’t Serperior. He can train in the same things that humans can. As a high-ranking officer in the New World, mastering dual-color Haki is basic.

“Again…is it that god’s power?”

Like Serperior, Zeraora could also hit his main body. They were clearly on the same side, and from what he could infer from the thoughts of those Shandians, they are even called divine envoys.

[Next is the chest]

After realizing he couldn’t take the opponent’s attacks head-on, Enel decided to disperse from the anticipated attack location, a common tactic for Logia Users to dodge Armament Haki attacks.

Haki could harm a Logia-type body, but only if it hit them.

As long as he dodged in advance, the opponent’s attack would naturally become ineffective. However, the result was no different from before; the Haki-infused attack directly hit his chest, causing Enel to spit out a mouthful of blood.

“There are always fools who think Logia-types are invincible. Your Observation Haki is strong, but it seems you can’t use Armament Haki at all.”

“Impossible… I clearly heard it…”

Enel couldn’t understand. He clearly heard what his opponent was going to do, but couldn’t dodge them at all. No matter how he dodged, the attacks still landed on him.

“The ability to read minds is good, but your physical training is lacking too much. As long as I hit you before your body reacts, won’t the problem be solved?”

The help request from Skypiea roughly described Enel’s abilities, among which the most crucial ones were the Rumble-Rumble Fruit and mind-reading, which was why Zeraora was sent to deal with him.

As the fastest among the officers of the Beasts Pirates and immune to lightning, Zeraora was Enel’s natural nemesis.

Lightning attacks had no effect on him. Although Observation Haki could be used to sense Zeraora’s moves, Enel’s reaction couldn’t match Zeraora’s formidable physique. Physically, he is thoroughly outmatched.

“Alright, my family is waiting for me at home. I don’t have time to waste with you. You should be prepared to pay the price for attacking Skypiea.”

Zeraora instantly appeared in front of Enel, his fist heading straight for Enel’s forehead. At that moment, Enel heard something surprising.

[What should I bring home for the kids?]

In Zeraora’s mind, Enel at this stage was no match for him at all; he was just someone with a God complex who was wasting his family time.

Facing an opponent who was not slower than him and was proficient in dual-color Haki, Enel had no room to resist.


In the eyes of the Shandians, this was a battle they could not comprehend. They couldn’t see the figures, only two flashes of lightning alternating in the sky. In the end, the lightning directly pierced through the Island Cloud of Skypiea, plummeting straight down.

About ten minutes later, Zeraora reappeared on Skypiea, while Enel was nowhere to be seen.

“Divine Envoy, that person…”

The Shandian chief approached Zeraora, inquiring about the enemy.

“It’s resolved. He won’t be causing trouble here anymore. You can live in peace.”

“Divine Envoy, the progress of dial gathering has been delayed this year. This matter…”

“Oh, it’s fine. Lord said it could be extended by two months. Two months should be enough, right?”

“That’s enough. We’ll provide enough dials by then. Divine Envoy, you’ve had a hard journey. Please rest in the tribe.”

Zeraora originally didn’t want to delay, but the chief insisted and mentioned that the newly born children of the tribe wanted to see the other divine envoy. This made him decide to stay for the night and return to Onigashima in the morning.

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