APJ Chapter 645 Spandam raising a flag

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In the depths of the sea, the Fish-Men led by Tiger were rapidly swimming towards their destination. Although the Fish-Men’s speed couldn’t match that of the Merfolk, they were still among the top tier in the sea, second only to the Merfolk.

The direction to track was easy to determine. At that time, Spandam publicly told Tom that he would be sent to Enies Lobby for trial via the Sea Train he built himself.

As long as they followed the tracks leading to Enies Lobby, they would find the Sea Train transporting Tom.

“Boss, there’s a boat above us. It looks like Tom’s human apprentice is on board, and there’s a frog swimming freestyle next to it!”

They were swimming not too far from the surface, allowing them to roughly see the situation above.

“Boss, that kid seems to want to save Tom too. Should we change our plan?”

“No, he has nothing to do with us. If they manage to send Tom to Enies Lobby, we won’t have another chance. If he has a plan, that’s perfect. After he takes action, it might even lower the enemy’s guard, so we stick to the original plan.”

The Sea Train tracks extended a long distance. Tiger chose to act in the middle section of the tracks, where the sea currents were the most dangerous, making their operation more convenient. As long as they could get the Sea Train into the water, the sea currents would cause enough trouble for them.

Normal tracks couldn’t be built here, but the Sea Train tracks were unique. Unlike the solid rails on land, these tracks floated like soft ropes in the water, allowing them to exist in dangerous sea currents.

The metal used to make them wasn’t ordinary steel. Not only was it highly corrosion-resistant, but it also had great ductility, rising and falling with the waves. When no Sea Train was passing, the tracks were mostly underwater, allowing most ships to sail over them.

Otherwise, once the tracks were completed, Water 7 would have essentially become an isolated island.

Tiger and others rode the sea currents to continue moving forward. Before long, the sea currents around them became much more turbulent, indicating they had reached their intended location.

“Almost there. Let’s break this section of the track. We’ll rescue Tom here. It’s a pity; Uncle Tom put a lot of effort into this. Arlong, you take some men over there, I’ll handle this side.”

Looking at the winding tracks before them, which took Tom and his team fourteen years to build. However, rescuing Tom through this method offers the highest chance of success.

They could storm the train directly, but that would inevitably lead to casualties. Among the agents, there would inevitably be a few strong ones. So, it’s best to turn the environment into their home ground.

Tiger also advocated for peaceful coexistence, but enemies were not within this scope.

Several Fish-Men took out short axes and machetes, hacking at the tracks.

However, they soon realized it was useless. Even with the greater strength of the Fish-Men, their weapons only left white marks on the tracks.

“Brother Arlong, we can’t break it!”

“Yeah, these tracks are too tough. My blade is already dull.”

Tiger was better off, using his brute strength to gradually deform the tracks. But on the other side, the ordinary Fish-Men couldn’t do anything against the sturdy tracks.

“Move aside, let me do it!”

Arlong pushed a few of his subordinates away and bit into the tracks.

The sound of teeth grinding against metal was ear-piercing. Arlong, like a rodent, slowly gnawed at the tracks.

As a Shark Fish-Man, he had the ability to quickly regenerate teeth. After breaking several sets of teeth, Arlong finally made progress.

“Boss, it’s done!”

“Everyone, dive down. Wait for my signal before taking action. Don’t get bogged down in a fight. Our goal is to rescue Tom. Once we save him, retreat immediately!”

Then, they temporarily tied the broken tracks together with a few strands of seaweed. From the train, it wouldn’t look like it was on the verge of collapse, but once the Sea Train passed, these few strands of seaweed wouldn’t be able to withstand the force.

While Tiger and the others waited underwater for the right moment, the Sea Train continued to speed along.

On the train, besides the World Government agents, only Tom was an outsider. Because he didn’t trust the ordinary drivers, Spandam had his men take over the train’s controls.

He himself was lying in a luxurious carriage, wrapped in bandages. Earlier, the angry Franky had struck him in the face with the end of a gun.

The blow disfigured him, to the extent that even plastic surgery couldn’t restore it. Besides his face, the rest of his body was also wrapped in bandages, making him the most injured person among all of CP5.

His subordinates were used to this. Their boss was a good-for-nothing. From CP1 to CP8, even the office secretaries were tougher than him.

“That fool Cutty Flam, using his body to block the Sea Train. He should be dead by now. It’s a shame; I wanted to strangle him myself after dealing with Tom.”

As he muttered to himself, the movement of his mouth tugged at the wounds on his face, causing his expression to become extremely colorful. Wanting to move but not daring to, he could only lie back in his chair like a zombie.

“Hey, how long until we reach Enies Lobby?”

“Reporting to Chief Spandam, it will take about an hour. Should I have the driver speed up? This Sea Train can go faster.”

“No need. There won’t be another idiot like Cutty Flam. Just keep it steady. Once we reach Enies Lobby, I’ll see if that ba*tard Fish-Man still dares to act tough.”

Enies Lobby was a place of judgment in name only. In reality, it was just a formality. No criminal ever sent to Enies Lobby was ever declared innocent.

Whether falsely accused or not, anyone sent to Enies Lobby was a criminal, facing either execution or life imprisonment. There hadn’t been an exception in nearly 800 years.

It was also a key World Government facility, with nearly ten thousand soldiers stationed there permanently. Once there, Spandam wouldn’t have to worry about any incidents.

Compared to speed, the pain from his wounds due to the shaking was more annoying.

“Get me a doctor. What kind of bandaging those quacks in Water 7 did…”

Before Spandam could finish complaining, he suddenly felt the world spinning around him. The next moment, his hateful face slammed into the glass of the carriage, cries of pain echoing throughout the Sea Train.

“Damn it! What’s going on? What happened?”

Spandam pushed the agents pinning down on him, angrily questioning those around him.

The train’s designer had considered the possibility of derailment. Besides the locomotive, the carriages were all relatively lightweight and could even be used as boats if split in two.

The impact of the derailment sent the locomotive plunging into the sea, but most carriages remained afloat.

“N… not good! Someone’s attacking to rescue the prisoner! It’s… it’s the Fish-Men! Ah!”

Before Spandam could react, a warning sounded from the nearby carriage, followed by a powerful sea current rushing into the carriage.

“Fish-Man Jujutsu: Water Heart • Ocean Current Shoulder Throw!”

Tiger, gripping a thick sea current, poured it into the carriage, while other Fish-Men launched attacks towards the carriage from various directions.

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