APJ Chapter 641 Water 7’s local

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Tinkatons forging talent is so good that it completely mastered techniques and crafts that take others half a lifetime in just a few months. And it didn’t seem like a beginner at all but rather like a master with decades of experience.

On this foundation, Tinkaton even did its own innovations.

The forge was divided into factions. Based on different inheritance, each has its own master and they all believe their school was the strongest.

Now, any school that Tinkaton hadn’t learned from was automatically considered to have inferior craftsmanship.

These techniques are the legacy of their family and are never to be passed on to outsiders. Only those recognized by the master can learn the essence of these techniques; ordinary disciples cannot learn the essence of these techniques, and it is strictly forbidden for outsiders to steal and learn them.

If the Beasts Pirates sent someone to learn, then it wouldn’t be so smooth, but Tinkatons weren’t human, which solved many problems.

Since Pokémon in Wano Country mostly became guardian deities, various industries were eagerly awaiting the arrival of their own guardian deity.

Finding a suitable heir was a troublesome matter. So, the appearance of Tinkaton brought new hope to them.

Having their craft recognized by a god was the highest achievement in their eyes. Not only did they not refuse to let them observe and learn, but they also actively shared all they know, teaching their techniques to Tinkaton.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

The dull sounds echoed from the center of the forge as five Tinkaton took turns swinging their giant hammers. The Kozuki, Fugetsu, Uzuki, Shimotsuki, and Kurozumi families each had their own craftsmen, which gave rise to various techniques.

Although these families were now just ordinary surnames, craftsmen with inherited techniques were still valued. Many Famous Swords came from the craftsmen of these families.

Shusui, Enma, Ame no Habakiri, and Wado Ichimonji were all examples.

Now, those techniques were elevated in Tinkaton’s hands.

Tinkaton rested after each hammer strike before swinging again, causing the ground to tremble with each strike. This was Tinkaton’s exclusive move – Gigaton Hammer, which was powerful but couldn’t be used consecutively.

At this time, they were engaged in preparatory work, i.e. forging metal ingots. Using unique techniques and their own abilities, they could hammer out unnecessary impurities even without using a forge.

“Don’t blink, watch carefully. That’s divine craftsmanship. If you can learn that forging technique, you’ll definitely become famous craftsmen in the future!”

A bald man with a pipe in his mouth patted the shoulder of his disciple beside him. They were also observing and learning from Tinkaton’s craft, hoping to comprehend something to create better works.

They were still preparing materials, and it would be a while before the actual forging began.

But the loud sounds weren’t just coming from the forge. Similar sounds were also coming from the nearby mining site.

These weren’t the sounds of mining but of sparring. Sasaki was clashing with Aggron, honing his defense.

He had already completed his internship and could have already transferred from here, but he voluntarily applied to stay here so he could spar with Aggron in his free time.

Although he liked Kaido’s teaching, Kaido didn’t have the time to train with him every day. Most of the time, he had to find his own training partners, and Aggron was the best choice.

As a Pokémon, it didn’t have as much work as others, so it had plenty of free time to train with Sasaki.

“Hey, Sasaki! Stop training. Lord Kaido and Lord Arceus are looking for you. Hurry to Onigashima!”

After another clash, Babanuki came looking for Sasaki and delivered the new order to him.

“Captain Kaido and Lord Arceus are looking for me?”

“There must be a mission. Go quickly.”

“Got it.”

Having joined for some time now, Sasaki was well aware of the internal workings of the Beasts Pirates. Although he was still a fervent fan of Kaido, he also understood what Arceus represented here.

Over the years, he has proven his loyalty and has naturally been entrusted with various missions.

“Lord Kaido, Lord Arceus, I’m here. Do you have a mission for me?”

“Sasaki, you were born in Water 7, right?”

Kaido picked up the file on the table and looked at its contents — it was Sasaki’s identification information. Members of the Beasts Pirates all had similar identity documents, with personal information filled in by the individual.

The main goal of the Beasts Pirates is primarily to confirm whether someone is an impostor. They were not particularly concerned about other information, only reconfirming it if required before any mission.

Some people didn’t even know the name of their birthplace, so they would just write down a random island.

“Yes, is the mission related to that?”

He had filled in all the information truthfully, so there was nothing to hide.

“There’s a mission in Water 7 coming up. Since you were born there, you should be more familiar with the place. Perfect, why don’t you make a trip there?”


“We have people there. When you arrive, someone will give you the details. Just ask her what to do.”

Sasaki quickly left Onigashima by ship after receiving the mission. His mission was not complicated, just to handle some minor issues and help gather some information.

Water 7, one of the important islands on the Grand Line, is the holy land of shipbuilding just as Ohara is the holy land of archaeology. It boasted many excellent shipwrights and had produced many famous ships.

Roger’s Oro Jackson was built here, and this place is also home to many miraculous sea creations like the sea train and Pluton.

It was these shipwrights who had built the Super Warship, one of the ancient weapons.

Recently, a woman arrived here. She was Nico Robin, the contact mentioned by Kaido and Arceus.

She came here shortly after leaving Onigashima.

She wasn’t here with a fixed goal. This time, while seeking information about history, she discovered documents pointing to Water 7, which led her here to investigate.

With her extensive work experience, she successfully joined a local shipbuilding company as a temporary accountant. However, as she continued her investigation, a large number of CP agents suddenly entered the island.

The presence of World Government agents suggested that something was hidden here. Additionally, Tesoro had also entrusted her with handling some matters in Water 7 and she needed a strong deterrent, so she borrowed someone from Onigashima.

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