APJ Chapter 639 The consequences of getting caught for skipping class

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The voices of rebellion within Wano Country are mostly here. Even if there are a few remaining outside, they are completely different kinds of people.

Inside the prison are radicals similar to Hody Jones, while those outside have mostly given up resistance. Over time, even their hearts have changed.

These dangerous elements are serious offenders and have no chance to come into contact with Yamato. However, the prison guards were worried that some of the ordinary prisoners might be influenced and act irrationally.

Even throwing an ordinary pebble or saying an insulting word would mean the guards failed in their duty. These are not death row inmates, so the best deterrent is through the length of the sentence.

Materials like Drunken Iron Ore, Seastone, the shells shed by Aggron, rock fragments that fell down during Geodude fights, and special crystals shed by Gigalith—all these materials, whether from underground mines or produced by Pokémon, were brought to the square.

“Sir Babanuki, everything is ready.”

In the empty square, there was a mountain of materials piled up. In Wano Country, these materials would be enough to drive any blacksmith crazy. For them, these were priceless treasures.

With these excellent materials, they could forge many things.

Even ordinary people could trade these rare materials for a large amount of money. Those high-purity Seastones, in particular, were scarce even within the World Government, but here they were just ordinary materials.

“Very well, Daifugo, take some people and conduct additional patrols. Make sure nothing goes wrong today.”

“Already arranged, boss, don’t worry. These people want to get out alive; they won’t cause trouble at this time.”

“Better safe than sorry. You know some people in Wano Country aren’t too bright.”

“Alright, I’ll head out then.”

Babanuki’s worries did not come to pass. The workers and prisoners behaved well, and Yamato also wasn’t concerned with these people, instead choosing materials with Tinkaton.

Tinkaton’s way of selecting materials was straightforward: smashing them with its hammer to judge their quality.

After selecting suitable materials, Tinkaton returned to the forge to join the Tinkaton learning team. Their learning will still take some time.

Their innate forging talents would significantly shorten their learning period, but it still wouldn’t be immediate. They needed some time.

Yamato temporarily lost her weapon but realized this was a unique opportunity.


“Hmm? What did you say?”

“My Takeru has been damaged. Tinkatons are still learning to forge, so I don’t have a weapon right now. I can’t train with you during this time, Father. It’s such a shame.”

To her, this seemed like a chance to ask for a break. Yamato, Jack, Maria, Setsuna, and Olga could be considered Kaido’s first and second generation students. At their level, simple physical training was meaningless.

Moreover, they didn’t need Kaido to get involved for physical training. Weighted blocks were more useful in this regard, and they could train on their own. Kaido brings more to the table in terms of real combat, such as extending lessons on his Thunder Bagua and training in Haki.

Yamato mostly challenged high-ranking officers, but Kaido would occasionally surprise her with sudden inspections or additional training.

The damage to Takeru 6.0 gave her an excuse to rest.

“Worororo, that’s a pretty good reason…”

Hearing this, Kaido twirled the Hassaikai in his hand a few times, then placed the kanabo on the side.

“Father, you also think it’s reasonable? Then I……”


A few strands of hair floated down, and glowing green claws extended from Kaido’s fingers. It was the Dragon Claw, and the extended blade of the claw was already deeply embedded in the ground in front of Yamato.

“Waa! Are you trying to kill me?”

“How could I? As long as you have a breath left, your Dad can save you. It seems you have a problem. Have you forgotten how to fight without a weapon?”

“No… I didn’t mean that. What I meant was…”

“Enough nonsense. Until your weapon is repaired, I won’t use one either. Zoan-type’s body is their greatest weapon. You must learn to use Mythical Zoan’s power.”

“I think you misunderstood something, Father…”

Seeing Kaido unleash Haki, Devil Fruit, and the ability bestowed by Arceus simultaneously, Yamato had a very bad feeling.

“There’s no misunderstanding. Enemy won’t stop attacking just because you don’t have a weapon. So, let’s hone your fists and feet. This lesson will focus on unleashing Thunder Bagua with your bare hands. Don’t worry, I’ll use my full strength, including your Dad’s power.”

Yamato asking for a break gave Kaido a perfect opportunity. No weapon meant hand-to-hand combat. There are many ways to train in combat, and this conveniently could be a new subject for her.

Kaido didn’t use a weapon, but the Dragon Claws on his hands made his destructive power even more terrifying. Yamato once again faced a one-sided beating.

It’s not that she can’t fight without weapons. Before using his weapons, Kaido had been pummeling her with his fists, but this was the first time he had used Dragon Claw.

Soon, she was forced into a corner of the training ground. Facing Kaido’s Dragon Claws, Protect’s barrier quickly appeared in front of her.

“Oh? You can already use Protect proficiently? It seems you haven’t been slacking off.”

Dragon Claw was blocked by the barrier, so Kaido gave Yamato some praise.

“Yes, Father, so what I wanted to say is…”

She just wanted an excuse to take a day off. The various things Arceus had given her were now having a side effect—she couldn’t even pretend to be sick because this body wouldn’t fall ill.

But before she could finish, she saw familiar purple fluctuations emanate from Kaido’s body.

“Wait! Dragon Dance??!”

“I told you I’m going to use my full-strength, didn’t I? Yamato, Protect has limits. It enhances your defense but is based on your own strength. You still have a long way to go!”

Crack… crack… crack!

After a few seconds, the strengthened Kaido shattered Yamato’s barrier and approached her step by step.

The strengthened Kaido completely overwhelmed Yamato. She was forced to flee most of the time, and her counterattacks when she found an opportunity were barely effective. Cries for help could be heard from the training ground from time to time.

However, everyone was accustomed to it and had no intention of going near, for fear of getting caught in the crossfire.

“So this is the ‘daughter’ that He values so highly? Naivety suits you, Zekrom.”

“Idealism isn’t naivety. She has a long way to go, but she has room to grow. Only such a ‘blank sheet’ can develop, right?”


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