APJ Chapter 633 Execution

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“Jahahaha! Neptune, you’re scared, you’re worried of our will being passed down, but it’s useless, the anger of the Fish-Men will never disappear. Even if you kill me, it won’t make a difference!”


Even Jinbe, who is usually good-natured, looked at him with a grim expression. His remark encompassed all the pacifists of Fishman Island.

“Forget it, give up trying to reason with him. He believes deep down that he is a hero, and someone who never thinks they’re wrong will never admit to being wrong.”

“You humans understand well, then you should know, you scum should be…”


Before Hody could finish speaking, Mandrell, in his Beast-Form, snapped Hody Jones’s neck with his dragon claw.

“Sorry, although I am also a villain, I’m not interested in listening to your bigoted nonsense.”

“I apologize, King Neptune. Since you already sentenced him to death, I couldn’t bear to listen to such vile words any longer.”

In his string of insults, he had included Rusalka, which pushed past Mandrell’s limit of tolerance. He couldn’t feel at ease without dealing with this guy.

“It’s alright, the result is the same.”

Neptune didn’t like public executions, especially for such fanatical extremists, as there was no point. If this guy sparked a Great Rebellion Era with his shout, it would have been a big problem for Fishman Island.

The direct trigger of the Great Pirate Era was Roger, but if it weren’t for the brave person who asked where the “treasure” was, Roger might have taken a different approach.

Although it was merely a coincidence, the World Government deliberately maintained a chaotic situation afterwards. In this case, that person who asked the question might have been a plant. Whether Roger or the World Government planted him, only he would know.

“King Neptune, although I am human, this is also Rusalka’s home. She will come back often in the future.

I have to say, if people like Hody can easily incite so much opposition with just a few words, then Fishman Island’s management needs to be strengthened. If there’s nothing else, I’ll be leaving.”

Besides the leaders like Hody, there were some ordinary Fish-Men who were incited. This was not surprising. Every race has some who can’t tell right from wrong and are easily swayed.

Mandrell said this, hoping Neptune would manage things better. If he doesn’t let some hesitant people see that participating in a rebellion has severe consequences, then there would be trouble next time.

In the end, Hody Jones was executed, and several of his officers were sentenced to life imprisonment. Their prison life wouldn’t be long as they had exhausted their youth by consuming Energy Steroids.

As for the ordinary participants, they received appropriate punishments based on the severity of their actions, with the involvement of Poseidon’s army. This matter is now more or less resolved.

Manaphy met Shirahoshi, and Manaphy had a good impression of the new big friend.

But after a few days, before he returned to his stationed island, Manaphy received new information.

“A new mineral deposit has been discovered?”

“Yes, a team of newcomers found it, but it seems Sea Kings live there. Lord Manaphy, please handle this matter.”

A Fish-Man who had joined the Beasts Fruits reported to Manaphy. The working Fish-Men have been continuously searching for new mineral deposits. The vast ocean holds many unknowns, and some rare minerals with small reserves have become limited extraction targets.

Once Sea Kings were found living nearby, Manaphy would persuade them to leave, which had become a routine process. This time was no exception.

“Alright, leave it to me. Shiro-chan, I have to go to work. I’ll play with you when I come back.”

He gave Shirahoshi a strange nickname, as many of his friends had similar ones.


In the deep sea, Manaphy was on the way, leading the new mining team.

“Are we there yet?”

“Almost, this was discovered by a team of newcomers. They said it’s in the underwater basin ahead; they are waiting there now.”


In the deep sea, a pirate ship drifted nearby, with a pirate flag featuring crossed swords and a skull with sharp teeth.

Both the sails and the hull were severely damaged, and the words “Flying Dutchman” could still be faintly seen on the sails. This was Vander Decken IX’s pirate ship.

He was the user of the Mark-Mark Fruit. At this moment, he was hiding in a bubble. Due to obtaining devil fruit ability, he lost the natural swimming ability of the Fish-Men. So, when moving in the water, he must apply Flutter Kick Coating for protection, or he will become weak and powerless.

The strange person mentioned earlier was him. The Mining Department had been recruiting workers, and a few days ago, Vander Decken IX applied for a position.

He had figured out the mining company’s routine. Whenever a new deposit was discovered, Manaphy would go to drive away any Sea Kings, which Vander Decken IX saw as an opportunity.

An opportunity to capture Manaphy, so he infiltrated the company and lured Manaphy here. To make it more realistic, he even worked for several days with a bubble membrane.

“Wadatsumi! Pull faster, they’ll be here soon!”

“Got it, Captain Vander Decken.”

The Flying Dutchman had no coating, and its worn-out hull had lost power to move underwater long ago. The reason it could move wasn’t due to sea currents but by being pulled by something.

The creature pulling the ship was Wadatsumi, a giant tiger blowfish Fish-Man.

His hair and beard almost formed a circle, with a small point on his head, and his open mouth revealed a few sparse large teeth.

With a body like a sea monster, he had no opponents in the ocean. But Wadatsumi was immature mentally, like a child, and followed Vander’s words almost unconditionally, becoming a member of his pirate crew.

“Later, listen to my order and make sure to capture that blue little guy. If he gets alerted, it’ll be troublesome.”

“I understand, Captain, I will catch that little guy. But, what does he look like?”

For Wadatsumi, many things were little guys, and blue was too general.

“Blue, like a water drop, and… how to say this…”

“Is it like me?”

“Exactly, just like this!”

While Vander Decken IX was struggling to describe Manaphy, he suddenly heard a voice beside his ear. Manaphy was sitting on top of a Swampert, looking at him.

It was not just one Swampert, but a group. When a new mineral deposit is discovered, Swampert always follows Manaphy to open a mine tunnel first. Now, these Swamperts were glaring at Vander Decken IX fiercely.

For ordinary sea creatures, Manaphy was the group pet, and this is even more true for Swampert, who is also a Pokémon.

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