APJ Chapter 629 PoseidonX2

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With a dull thud, Jinbe’s fist struck Hody’s chest like a chisel. The immense force penetrated his chest, making Hody’s blood almost “boil” under the impact of Jinbe’s punch.


A large amount of blood spewed from Hody’s mouth, and the hand gripping Jinbe’s head gradually lost its strength.

“Fish-Man Karate is the culmination of the power of our ancestors, a power that can only be mastered through years of rigorous training. Any enhancement gained through drugs is nothing in comparison.”

Hody slowly collapsed to the ground. Under normal circumstances, Jinbe’s punch would have been enough to knock him out, but the Energy Steroid was still in effect. This unusual stimulant kept Hody conscious.

His eyes rolled back, the whites of his eyes turning red as the Energy Steroid’s effect grew stronger.

“Not enough, still not enough…”

Hody grabbed a handful of Energy Steroids and shoved them into his mouth. The Energy Steroid could double a person’s strength, and this effect could be stacked, allowing one’s strength to grow infinitely, provided their body could withstand it.

If twice isn’t enough, then four times, if four times isn’t enough, then eight times. He refused to believe he could lose to this seemingly unremarkable blue fat guy. How could a Fish-Man who trusted humans be strong?

“Fish-Man Karate: 4000 Brick Kick!”

As Hody tried to take more drugs, Jinbe’s foot had already slammed into his head. Fish-Man Karate used tiles as a unit of measurement; the higher the number, the more tiles one can smash or kick through at once. [TN: Tiles and brick mean the same here. In English translation Brick is used in place of tiles.]

Four thousand tiles meant that this kick could break four thousand stacked tiles. The kick landed solidly on Hody’s head, sending him rolling, crashing through several coral buildings before embedding into a cliff.

The Energy Steroids scattered on the ground, and Pierman curiously picked up a few and put them in his pocket, thinking Queen might be interested in this drug.

Although Hody, even on drugs, was still a weakling compared to Jinbe, the fact that it allowed a small fry to withstand a punch from a Shichibukai without losing consciousness suggests that this drug has some research value.

Pierman didn’t know about the drug’s side effects, but judging solely from its performance, it seems promising.

“Ignoring one’s own strength and relying on external substances, how could someone like you defeat me!”

Jinbe rushed towards where Hody had fallen, but he did not deliver another punch, as Hody had already lost consciousness embedded in the rock.

Jinbe then pulled Hody out of the cliff. While strength increases, physique also needs to grow stronger; otherwise, the body can’t handle such power. This is why reaching the limit with Energy Steroids can cause immense pain and even lead to one’s body exploding.

Hody’s drug-enhanced physique prevented him from becoming minced fish, and he remained a complete Fish-Man. Jinbe then walked over to Arlong, nudging his shoulder with his foot.

“Arlong, you okay?”

“Ah… I’m fine. What about that b*stard Hody?”

“He’s taken care of. Let’s head back. This guy should at least be put under life imprisonment.”

“Life imprisonment? He tried to kill Queen Otohime and is a dangerous element wanting to kill his own kind. Just imprisonment for that?”

“Arlong, Ryugu Kingdom is a kingdom with its own laws…”

“Boom! Roar!”

As Jinbe was about to explain the laws to Arlong, a sudden rumbling sound of thunder came from the wedding venue, and terrifying roars echoed from the distant sea.

They quickened their pace back, with Jinbe carrying Hody on his shoulder.


At the wedding venue, Mandrell had transformed into his Human-Dragon form. The sound of thunder Jinbe and the others heard was caused by Mandrell. According to Murphy’s Law, the more you worry about something, the more likely it is to happen.

Hody had companions in the Fish-Man District who, influenced by him, also became radicals. This was Hody’s Plan B. If he hadn’t succeeded by the end of the wedding, it means something went wrong on his end, and they will have to launch another operation.

The operation involved more than just a few of them; some Fish-Men from the Fish-Man District had been incited to join, starting this “coup d’état” on Fishman Island.

Not even Tiger could stop them. Those radicals who took the Energy Steroids became like madmen, launching indiscriminate attacks.

Tiger’s fighting style was always close combat, and in such a situation, his combat effectiveness was limited. Although he could take them down one at a time, their sheer number was overwhelming.

So, Mandrell had no choice but to resort to a large-scale attack. As a Gyarados, his attacks covered a wide area. After a storm of lightning, the scene calmed down.

“Sorry, Rusalka, looks like I messed up.”

“No, it’s okay. If anyone should apologize, it’s me. I didn’t realize there were still so many radicals on Fishman Island. But what’s going on?”

“I’m not sure. Let’s treat the injured first; it should become clear soon.”

With Tiger and Mandrell’s overwhelming strength and Neptune leading the Poseidon army, the rebellion was quickly quelled.

Tiger took care of the leaders, Mandrell swiftly cleared the grunts, and the Poseidon army was responsible for clean-up. Ordinary residents were mostly unharmed, the most injured being Otohime.

Thanks to the Bubbly Coral, the Merfolk and Fish-Men were able to move in various directions, avoiding a stampede.

Otohime wasn’t attacked. Mandrell was near her, ensuring that no one could harm her.

Unfortunately, her constitution is just too fragile. During the chaos, she was standing on a high platform urging the people not to be afraid. However, she accidentally fell during the chaos. With her glass-like constitution, she ended up breaking her leg. Right now, doctors were treating her.

Meanwhile, Otohime was comforting Shirahoshi. Her children had all been brought to the wedding venue, but it was Shirahoshi’s first time witnessing such chaos. Seeing her mother injure her leg made Shirahoshi cry out in fear.

Ordinary people crying is just crying and isn’t a big deal, but Shirahoshi is the Poseidon of this generation. The fear-induced cries awakened the power in her bloodline, causing the colossal Sea Kings slumbering deep in the ocean to awaken—this was the roar that Jinbe and others heard.

Giant shadows now covered Fishman Island. Monstrous heads hovered just outside the island’s bubble membrane. But the colossal Sea Kings were confused at this moment because besides the aura of the “queen”, there was also another strange aura.

Though not their “queen,” it gave off an extremely similar feeling.

The lifeform who could cause that was none other than Manaphy, who had been staying on Fishman Island. At this moment, he was floating above the bubble, trying to stop them from approaching the bubble further.

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