APJ Chapter 612 Extreme

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Arlong couldn’t defeat Jinbe, his influence among people was no match for Jinbe, and he wasn’t even as reputable as Jinbe, but he just couldn’t accept Jinbe.

When they were on the same front before, Arlong could somewhat accept Jinbe, but as Jinbe’s viewpoints changed, their relationship fractured.

Now, under the influence of Tiger and Mandrell, he had also undergone some changes. He could accept some of Tiger’s teachings, but he just couldn’t accept Jinbe’s.

As for Jinbe’s strength, he was not afraid. No matter how unpleasant things get, the worst Jinbe would do was beat him up, and most of the time, Jinbe wouldn’t even do that. Over time, he got used to this dynamic.

Usually, when Jinbe spoke to him this way, Arlong had countless ways to retort, but this time was different. The words stuck in his throat, and he ended up saying nothing, heading straight for the Fish-Man District.

“Boss Jinbe, you’re too lenient with that guy Arlong. He has no respect for you at all,” some Fish-Men on the side couldn’t stand it anymore. Jinbe’s position as a Shichibukai had given them the freedom to return home.

Without this identity, they would be very concerned about how their pirate identities might affect the future of Fishman Island. Despite missing home, they chose to endure, drifting on the sea.

Having the identity of Shichibukai made a difference. As a legally recognized pirate by the World Government, Jinbe had made agreements with the World Government, the most basic clause being that their past actions would not be looked into.

With this assurance, the Sun Pirates members had fewer worries, and Jinbe, bearing all this responsibility, had earned their respect.

Even without this matter, as the second captain of the Sun Pirates, Jinbe’s strength and leadership had also earned the respect of the Fish-Men.

“It doesn’t matter. That’s just how he is, and he has already changed. Change is a good thing. Go ahead and prepare; Boss Tai will be back in a few days.”

Jinbe and a few members of the Sun Pirates headed to the shopping street of Fishman Island to buy some supplies for a banquet. However, the appearance of a Poseidon army soldier changed their upcoming plans.

“Boss Jinbe, Queen Otohime wants to talk about something with you. Do you have time now?”

Jinbe was not only the current captain of the Sun Pirates but also a former captain of the Poseidon army. Many in the Poseidon army still called him Boss Jinbe.

“I’ve nothing important. I’ll come with you. Aladine, you and the others continue with the shopping.”


Jinbe didn’t ask the soldier what Otohime wanted to talk about. Since the soldier didn’t mention it, he probably didn’t know either. But the matter Otohime wanted to talk about was beyond his expectations.

“A wedding?”

“Yes, a wedding between a mermaid and a human. Isn’t that significant? Mandrell’s amusement park has brought a lot of joy to many people, and everyone’s prejudice has also lessened.”

“I remember it’s his private land. It’s quite a bother for people to go there often, and we haven’t been able to help them much. I heard they plan to have a wedding on Fishman Island this year, and I want to make it grander.”

Fishman Island, even at its worst, is a nation with a population of five million, making it a major country on the Grand Line. Naturally, a wedding that Otohime wants to personally organize would be much more grand than an ordinary wedding.

On one hand, this is her way of repaying Mandrell for his help. On the other hand, she also wants the island’s residents to see that there are good aspects to humans, and that not everyone is the villain they imagine.

“Such a thing…Your Majesty and King Neptune can decide on this, right?”

“Otohime thinks this is easy, but I think it’s very difficult. After all, there are still many people on Fishman Island who are strongly against humans. Hastily planning such an event might end up pleasing no one if things go wrong.”

“You have traveled the seas outside a lot and know more about the Fish-Man District, so we decided to ask for your opinion.”

If someone’s significant event goes well, it’s all good. But if there is any trouble, it can create enmity. Neptune felt Fishman Island wasn’t yet ready for such an event, but he and Otohime had different views, so they sought an outsider’s opinion.

“Indeed, hatred doesn’t disappear easily. My suggestion is to keep it small, only inviting some citizens willing to give their blessings. It’s not time for a big step yet.”

“Boss Tiger will be back in a few days, so there shouldn’t be any trouble in the Fish-Man District.”

Jinbe’s suggestion was a compromise, leaning slightly towards Neptune’s side, but his reasoning made sense. Considering this, Otohime decided to follow their advice.

However, they didn’t notice that a guard nearby didn’t look very happy.

Their discussion wasn’t a confidential matter, so there was no need to dismiss those around them. It was normal for there to be guards on duty in the Poseidon Palace, but the problem was, this guard’s name was Hody Jones.

Also from the Fish-Man District, the 19-year-old Hody joined the Poseidon army to train himself, but he was an even more extreme racist than Arlong.

Arlong hated humans, but he wouldn’t harm his fellow Fish-Men. He was always friendly to the Fish-Men. But Hody was different; his thinking was far crazier than Arlong’s.

Apart from humans, he believed that Merfolks and Fish-Men who were friendly with humans should also be eradicated.

On Fishman Island, most people respected Otohime, but Hody was an exception. In his eyes, Otohime was the biggest sinner on Fishman Island, and the ideas she advocated were entirely wrong.

As a member of the Poseidon army, he occasionally appeared around Otohime, but Otohime’s Observation Haki didn’t detect his inner thoughts. This was related to Otohime’s personality; she didn’t like to pry into others’ minds and most of the time wouldn’t use that ability.

If she had enough ambition, the ability comparable to the Kotoamatsukami could undoubtedly be used to have a greater impact.

For Hody, Merfolk and Fish-Men who were friendly with humans were all targets to be eliminated, not to mention Otohime, who wants to host a wedding for Mandrell, and Rusalka, who wants to marry a human.

In front of others, he didn’t show this, but today was his day off. When he returned to his residence in the Fish-Man District, his face was filled with resentment.

Until he saw a figure, his face showed a hint of joy because he saw the person he admired most – Arlong.

“Brother Arlong!”

“Mm? You’re Hody, right? What’s the matter?”

Hody looked around and brought Arlong to his house, then said excitedly, “Boss Arlong, you’re finally back. Those guys have gone crazy.”

“Jinbe and Otohime, they have gotten too friendly with humans. They even want to hold a wedding for a human and mermaid. These kinds of people should be eliminated!”

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