APJ Chapter 611 Miniature “Pluton”, the Changed Arlong

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The transformation function is not likely to appear in a short time. For a ship, such a function is somewhat redundant. Moreover, this Revavroom is a type specialized in propulsion, and is much larger than the usual Revavroom, almost occupying the entire engine room.

“Dad, is this ship mine from now on?!”

“That’s right. From now on, it is yours. But if you want to sail around more freely, you have to become stronger.”

With a brand new motivation, Yamato’s enthusiasm reignited. She took the rare initiative to challenge Kaido, which greatly “delighted” Kaido, and he actively reciprocated Yamato’s enthusiasm by using much more strength.

While the father and daughter were engaging in familiar training, Arceus and Queen were discussing issues like warship expansion, concluding that it was impossible.

Although Yamato only recently obtained the ship, it had been under construction for a long time. From blueprints to the processing and polishing of parts, it took a long time. Currently, there is no possibility of mass production. The original wooden sailboats will remain mainstream among ships.

Even with the resources of the World Government, no significant improvements in ships have been made. Although the Beasts Pirates have made some technological progress, achieving mass production is still a long way off.

“Anyway, Lord Arceus, the scholars’ documents are severely damaged and we only interpreted a part of them. But when those documents are pieced together…why do I feel they resemble the legendary Pluton so much?”

The Pluton, a super warship capable of destroying an island with a single shot, is said to be an ancient weapon created by humans. Some of the documents’ records made Queen feel a sense of familiarity.

“Perhaps that is the way Pluton was built, but there is no need to force it. It can be brought out when needed.”

In fact, those documents are indeed the construction methods of ancient warships. In a sense, Yamato’s ship can be considered a miniature Pluton, but it lacks the most critical thing – firepower.

As for the real Pluton, it was actually hidden beneath Wano Country. The sealing of Wano Country was to make Pluton disappear from people’s sight. At the moment, there is no need for it. It can naturally be unearthed when needed.

With Zunesha, who can communicate normally, the special walls outside Wano Country are not a big deal.

“Then I will stop researching this. It’s not my specialty, and continuing would be a waste of time.”

“Continue with your previous tasks. There is no need to immediately upgrade other warships. The current ones are already sufficient.”

Queen returned to his previous research tasks, while Yamato was preparing for a new voyage and fight against Kaido. Initially, this was not supposed to happen, but Yamato’s earlier excitement gave Kaido other thoughts and he increased the difficulty before she could set out.

To sail more smoothly, Yamato fell into a new round of hardships, while others had already left Onigashima one after another.

The islands outside need to be guarded. There are always reckless rookies entering the sea, like weeds that never stop growing. Every year, there are those who aren’t afraid of death and come to challenge them. Moreover, there are often Super Rookies with real talent who also appear.

Adding to this, the pirate alliances in the New World, who were unwilling to be mere foils, gave the officers plenty of work.

After touring most of Wano Country with Rusalka, Mandrell returned to his garrisoned island to continue his work. The exploration ships of the Beasts Pirates continued their mission in the Four Seas, and Tiger also began his journey to spread the doctrines.

He left on a Beasts Pirates merchant ship, and it would take some time to return to Fishman Island. During this period, Arlong had already returned to Fishman Island and had been living in the Fish-Man District for a while.

The area Mandrell was stationed in was not far from Fishman Island, so the travel time was not long.

During this time, he also encountered some unpleasant events.

“Jinbe, you actually chose to become a lapdog of the Marines?”

After Tiger was rescued, he left the Sun Pirates and chose to disappear. In the eyes of the World Government, this meant that Tiger was already dead. After they had given an explanation to those people, the issue of the Sun Pirates also needed to be addressed.

Under Jinbe’s leadership, although the Sun Pirates didn’t do anything outrageous, they were still seen as an unstable factor in the eyes of the World Government who needed to be dealt with.

However, the nature of the Fish-Men made it difficult to deal with Jinbe. Sending a few people wouldn’t be enough to defeat them, and sending many would cause the Fish-Men to escape by jumping into the water. Even deploying high-level forces might not guarantee capturing them and instead could give other pirates an opportunity.

Therefore, during the Levely in Year 1510, they discussed and reached a conclusion: give Jinbe Shichibukai’s position.

Jinbe’s strength was acknowledged by the World Government. Moreover, the crucial point was that he was a Fish-Man.

The location of Fishman Island was crucial, and the World Government did not want it to be completely severed from them. Now that Tiger was “dead,” the biggest conflict had disappeared.

Making Jinbe a Shichibukai would not only demonstrate the World Government’s magnanimity but also strengthen racial harmony.

Of course, this harmony was mainly for the affiliated nations to see; they wanted to take this opportunity to show the World Government’s tolerance.

The racial conflict was caused by the World Government’s inaction, and this act was merely a superficial fix.

And for the Fish-Men, this position also had benefits.

To Otohime, it could promote racial understanding. To Tiger, it could provide some secret information. To Jinbe, it meant the members of the Sun Pirates wouldn’t have to keep running and could stay peacefully on Fishman Island.

Considering all these factors, Jinbe accepted the position. This happened only recently, and Tiger also knew about it, but they didn’t inform Arlong.

Arlong’s reaction was within Jinbe’s expectations, but he wasn’t angry. He was even somewhat pleased because Arlong said “lapdog of the World Government” instead of “lapdog of humans.”

The different term indicated a different attitude, showing that Arlong saw some humans as enemies, not all of them.

Jinbe understood Arlong’s personality very well. The fact that he can say this already means he has undergone some changes.

“I discussed this with Boss Tai, and he agreed.”

“Tch…Boss Tai agreed to this?”

Hearing that Tiger agreed, Arlong had no retort. But Jinbe’s next words angered him.

“Arlong, it seems your views on humans have also changed.”

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