APJ Chapter 604 Pilgrim Tiger

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What Queen said was indeed a rule, but not for all pirates.

Ordinary pirates forming alliances or joining friendly crews do not need a joining fee. However, for someone like Who’s-Who taking the initiative to join a large pirate crew, an appropriate joining fee is necessary.

If he were just a powerful rookie, it wouldn’t be so complicated. But he was previously an official member of CP9, and such a person needs to prove they have truly severed ties with the World Government.

Although he is wanted, putting a bounty on someone is just a matter of a word for the World Government and can be entirely fabricated, making it not convincing at all.

“Is my strength not enough?”

“Strength? Hahaha, you’re overestimating yourself. Your strength isn’t enough to make us break the rules.

However, I won’t make things difficult for you. Since you are a former CP9 agent, you should have some understanding of CP0.”

Who’s-Who was not weak, but in the current Beasts Pirates, strength alone is not enough. The intelligence he can provide is far more valuable than his combat power.

Both CP9 and CP0 are special agencies within the World Government. Official members of CP9 are considered reserve personnel for CP0. The World Government recruits children of appropriate age from all over the world, sending them to special islands for brainwashing and special training.

Generally, they would never betray. During the Enies Lobby incident, Lucci was almost killed by the Buster Call’s bombardment, and afterwards, he was also hunted. However, he eventually returned to the World Government, became a member of CP0, and once again became a lapdog for the Celestial Dragons.

Who’s-Who is an exception.

Due to the training methods of CP9, they generally meet CP0’s first requirement: loyalty.

Who’s-Who and Rob Lucci are the most talented recent members of CP9, and Queen thinks they might have access to some special intelligence.

“I have some, but not much.”

Who’s-Who is no fool. With Queen putting it this way, he knew what the Beasts Pirates were after. He no longer plans to keep these things secret. Since the World Government wants him dead, he must make himself as valuable as possible to them.

But some of that information is already outdated or near expiration. He isn’t sure how valuable it will be.

“Very well, then tell me, in Year 1509, a CP0 member named Knight conducted an operation in the Cozia Kingdom of East Blue. How did CP0 know where I was at that time?”

“The king betrayed you.”

“Oh? Are you sure? How do you know?”

“I saw the intelligence on that mission. Initially, they wanted CP9 to act, but later changed it to CP0. By the way, Knight is still alive. You didn’t kill him back then.”

Since he had come into contact with it before, Who’s-Who gave him a direct account of the incident. This was just a small part of what he knew.

“Good, very good. Then, the heads of that king and the person who planned it will be your joining fee. I’ll give you four months. Complete this task, and you can join us.”

If circumstances allowed, he would have wanted to launch a full-scale assault on that country, lest others think they could bully him. While he won’t go to such extremes now, there will definitely be retaliation.

A joining fee doesn’t have to be a gift. Such operations can also serve as a joining fee.

“Four months…”

“Is there a problem? Don’t worry, I’ll arrange a ship for you. You won’t be delayed on the way.”

“No problem. I’ll bring their heads.”

He escaped prison to avoid dying. Trading someone else’s head for a safe environment posed no psychological burden for him.

Soon, Queen arranged a ship for him, and instead of returning to Onigashima, he stayed here waiting. If Who’s-Who has other motives, leaving Onigashima would be enough to lure them out. All he had to do was wait.

But he didn’t get any results. After some time, Queen safely returned to Onigashima, and at the same time, Tiger embarked on his pilgrimage.


“Tiger, make sure you behave during this time and don’t cause any trouble.”

Besides Arlong, Tiger had no one else to worry about. He had been very calm lately, with his greatest interest being taking dozens of rides on the Ferris wheel every day, but that was only when Tiger hadn’t left.

Now he was leaving, and it was inconvenient to bring Arlong along. Tiger was inevitably a bit worried.

“I know, Boss. I’ll just stay in the Fish-Man District during this time and won’t go anywhere else.”

Since Tiger was leaving, Arlong also planned to return to the Fish-Man District. With Otohime’s help, a stable tourist route had been established between Fishman Island and this island. Recently, there have been more Fish-Men and Merfolk children appearing here.

Among them were also no lack of adult Fish-Men and Merfolk. Many residents of Fishman Island have had their dreams of visiting the Sabaody Archipelago’s amusement park fulfilled here.

Looking at the environment here, Arlong even reminisced about the days in the Fish-Man District, especially his childhood. This place was exactly like the amusement park he had dreamed of as a child.

“But boss, you have to come back soon.”

“I will. There are still many things to do when I return.”

Tiger patted Arlong’s shoulder and left with Mandrell’s ship towards Onigashima.

“Let’s go.”

Shortly after they left, Shyarly’s voice rang out behind Arlong. This time, Mandrell not only took Tiger but also Rusalka. She wanted to visit Mandrell’s headquarters.

Before leaving, Rusalka told Shyarly she could stay here, but it wasn’t right for a guest to stay in the host’s house while the host was away, so she was going to return to Fishman Island with Arlong for the time being.

Although Arlong is much more normal now and not as extreme as before, and he doesn’t react aggressively when seeing humans on the island, Shyarly still dislikes him.

Because he had been inexplicably concerned about all sorts of things lately, including her marriage.

In Arlong’s view, there seems to be some kind of relationship between Shyarly and Mandrell. He is rather stubborn, and Shyarly wasn’t in the mood to talk to him, so the misunderstanding deepened unknowingly.


Tiger didn’t speak much on the way, spending most of his time reading the Arceus Cult’s doctrine Mandrell had found for him.

This doctrine was a handwritten version given to Tiger by Misu. During their exchange, the two fanatic believers reached a consensus, gradually developing a sense of mutual understanding as kindred spirits.

When the ship arrived at Onigashima, Mandrell called Tiger out, but for some reason, he seemed to see a light around Tiger…

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