APJ Chapter 592 Red Hair Pirates’ Musician

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“Uh, I said that I also believe she can do it. What do you want to do?”

“Tesoro, although we haven’t known each other for long, we should be considered as friends, right?”

“Hey, are you really that naive? Well, if you insist on calling it that… I guess so.”

Tesoro was very sensitive to the term ‘friend’. In the past, he had trusted those friends that money brought him, and that almost led him down a path of destruction. Since then, he had been very cautious about the term “friend”.

Since taking on the role of CEO of Beasts Fruits, countless people have wanted to be his friend, but none of them were sincere. Even within the Beasts Pirates, most people only have a professional relationship with him.

Regardless of their backgrounds, Yamato is probably the friend he trusts the most. She helped him without any ulterior motives, back when he was just a poor guy working hard every day.

During this time, his interaction with Shanks mainly involved drinking and chatting. If the friends he had met back then were like Shanks, his life might have turned out completely different.

“Since we’re friends, I’ll entrust Uta to you. Please look after her for the time being.”

“Wait, what do you mean by that? Just because we signed a contract doesn’t mean you have to sever your father-daughter relationship. Even though you have your own pirate crew, as long as we’re not hostile to each other, it doesn’t matter. Boss Kaido doesn’t care about this.”

“No, that’s not what I mean. There needs to be an explanation for this. When Uta wakes up, you tell her that we are the ones who destroyed this nation, and she was abandoned by us.”

The approach is similar to the original timeline, except that he entrusted Uta to Gordon back then. In that timeline, Shanks had no help and was helpless against the destruction brought by the Demon King of Songs. Elegia was ultimately wiped out, with only Gordon surviving.

So, he entrusted Uta to Gordon and let her live under a lie for a long time.

But things are different now. Despite the heavy casualties and the nation on the brink of destruction, a large part of the population survived. Some of these people might hold resentment towards Uta, so it is not suitable for her to stay here.

Facing Tesoro, who has connections, letting Uta showcase her talents there might be the best choice.

“…Do you not know how much this child cares about you?”

“I do know. Precisely because I know, I don’t want her to know what happened here. If hating me will make her forget this matter and let her continue growing happily, I don’t mind her hating me for a lifetime.”

“Don’t talk nonsense! That kind of life won’t make her happy at all! You men don’t understand girls’ hearts at all!”

Stella, who came looking for Tesoro, immediately rebutted Shanks upon hearing his words.

“Stella, don’t say that. I do understand you.”

Tesoro received a huge blow from Stella’s sweeping remark and tried to explain himself, but Stella didn’t pay any attention to it.

As fellow women, and with Stella being one of Uta’s admired actresses, they naturally discussed many things between themselves.

“The child regards every one of you as very important. If you suddenly left like this, she would feel like you have abandoned her! Compared to the destruction here, that’s something she would find more difficult to accept!

You think you’re doing it for her good, but have you considered her feelings?”

“I know. She’s the child I’ve raised, and I understand her better than anyone else. If we do it this way, she’ll only hate us, but if I let her know everything, she won’t be able to forgive herself.”

“She easily fixates on things. Instead of letting her regret forever, it’s better to let her hate me.”

Shanks lowered his straw hat. As Uta’s adoptive father, his concern for her wasn’t lesser to anyone else’s; it’s just that some of his methods seemed inappropriate.

“It’s useless. This matter will come out sooner or later. You can’t hide it from her forever.”

“At least hide it from her for a few years. It would be better to wait until she’s more mature and can calmly accept this before telling her. Your Majesty Gordon, can I ask you to change what you are going to reveal?”

Stella’s words made Shanks think more cautiously and he decided to make changes to his plan.


“The matter of Tot Musica, only you know about it, right?”


This is a secret only known to Elegia’s king. If everyone knew that a monster was sealed under their kingdom, they would have moved elsewhere long ago.

“Then, please tell the people, it was me, Red-Haired Shanks, who released this demon…”

“Everyone, the Marine’s ships are approaching.”

Before Shanks could finish his words, Tanaka conveyed new information. There’s also a Marine base near Elegia, and with such a commotion, they naturally came to help.

“These guys always show up at the most inconvenient times. I’m serious. Uta has exceptional talent. Following us wanted criminals would only waste that talent. So, I’ll temporarily entrust her to you, but don’t let her become a pirate.”

“Tesoro, this isn’t just a request, it’s a plea from a friend.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t let her do anything strange.”

“But Stella is right too. When the time comes, I’ll come to get her. If she can mature after leaving us, she will likely be able to face the truth.”

In the end, Shanks made this decision, temporarily hiding these things and slowly clarifying them when she grows up, while also letting Uta step onto the world stage.

After receiving Tesoro’s assurance, Shanks planned to leave with his people. However, before he could leave, he received a Den Den Mushi from Stella.

“Leave her a message, at least let her know she hasn’t been abandoned by you.”

“That’s true…”

With all the Red Hair Pirates members, Shanks left a message for Uta and then left Elegia amidst the gunfire. Naturally, this included some lies, but that’s unavoidable. Perfecting one lie requires more lies.

Due to Darkrai, Uta remained unconscious for longer. When she woke up again, Tesoro had already set out to the sea with her.

Heracross was still with Uta, but the Red Hair Pirates were long gone.

“Shanks? Shanks!”

Upon waking up, Uta instinctively looked for Shanks but only found a Den Den Mushi.

As the projection opened, the Red Hair Pirates appeared on the screen, waving goodbye to Uta.

[Hey, Uta, by the time you see this recording, we should have already parted ways. But don’t worry, we haven’t abandoned you.

We encountered some trouble in Elegia. Due to some complicated circumstances, we are temporarily carrying a burden that can only be explained when you have grown into a world-class singer.

Because of this matter, we will face the Marine’s pursuit for a long time.

This pursuit will be more intense than before. It’s too dangerous for you to be with me, so I’ve temporarily left you with Tesoro and others.

This parting is temporary. When you’ve grown up, we’ll come to get you back.

Don’t be sad. We’re all waiting to see you on the screen again. Wherever you are, you will always be the musician of the Red Hair Pirates and my daughter.]

Afterward, everyone had their own words of advice for Uta, emphasizing the importance of taking care of herself, assuring her that the day of reunion isn’t far off, and providing explanation about Elegia’s matter.

To his kingdom, Gordon explained that Shanks released the demon, and the Marines thought the same. But following Stella’s advice, Shanks only told Uta that he was “framed.”

This matter is very complex. It can only be resolved once she has gained enough status. To facilitate better growth, temporary separation is necessary.

He did this mainly because he’s concerned that continuing to keep Uta with him might inadvertently expose this matter. Presently, Uta isn’t ready to face this reality, so he made this compromise.

“That’s the situation. Shanks might be facing some trouble at the moment, so you’ll temporarily join our Entertainment Department. Once his matters are settled, we’ll send you back.”

Stella hugged Uta, comforting her. Seeing her somewhat downcast, she handed her another Den Den Mushi.

“This is?”

“A Den Den Mushi to contact Shanks. He’s temporarily separated from you due to some things, but you can still keep in touch.”

Spending time together day in and day out can lead to slip-ups, but just making a phone call is fine. Hearing this news, Uta’s expression quickly changed from gloomy to bright, and she swiftly dialed the phone.

As Shanks answered the Den Den Mushi, Uta’s loud voice echoed through it.

“Shanks! You big dummy!!”

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