APJ Chapter 548 Thank You Doffy for your “Friendly” Assistance

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Ten bets, nine losses; the remaining one was deliberately allowed to taste victory.

Yet there are always those who don’t believe it, thinking that they can get away in time, only to sink deeper and deeper until they lose everything.

The people thrown out at the entrance are those who’ve already become addicted to gambling. Upon seeing Tesoro, the “The body who sends wealth,” a crowd immediately gathered around him. In this situation, they dare to sell not just their luck but even their lives.

Many excitedly rushed back to the casino after receiving money, believing they could win back all the things they had lost. Occasionally, there was someone clear-headed enough to take the money and run off, but that has nothing to do with Tesoro.

In a way, Devil Fruits are fair; the money they received seems to be from Tesoro on the surface, but it was actually their own.

Luck comes in many forms, and financial luck is just one of them. For every million Berries gained, they’ll encounter the misfortune of losing a million Berries later.

But this is the Underworld’s trade fair, and not everyone is willing to play by the rules. Tesoro’s actions had already attracted some shady characters.

Soon, a pirate set his sight here, wielding a large machete that split the table in front of them in half. He then glared at Tesoro menacingly.

“Kid, are you the one purchasing luck?”

The onlookers ran to the side; there’s a difference between gamblers and criminals.

At least these gamblers weren’t wanted by the World Government.

“Of course, sir. Are you also looking to sell your luck?”

“I am, but I find your price unreasonable.”

Saying that, the pirate’s gaze shifted to the boxes at Tesoro’s feet, knowing they contained the money.

“Then I’ll take all these!”

Grabbing two boxes, the pirate put the machete to Tesoro’s neck.

As a result, he found himself surrounded by Tesoro’s subordinates, with dark gun barrels pointed at his head.

“Sir, that’s two hundred million Berries. Are you sure?”

“Quit the chatter. If you don’t want to die, tell them to lower their guns. I’m…”

“No, no, no. I’m not interested in who you are. What I mean is, if you want, you can take the money, but we have to go through the process. However, I need to confirm, are you really sure?”

Tesoro’s lips curled into a strange smile, like a devil ready to strike a deal.

The pirate had never seen a weirdo like Tesoro before. He couldn’t help but feel an apprehension in his heart, but under the temptation of money, he still made the decision to rob him.

“In that case, two hundred million won’t be enough. Baccarat, give this gentleman another hundred million.”

Seeing no indication of him backing down, Tesoro signaled Baccarat to bring him another box of Berries. As he watched the young girl hand over the box, he couldn’t resist the temptation but he didn’t loosen his grip on the weapon held against Tesoro’s neck.

Instead, he extended his arm and grabbed the box of money. His hand was large enough to hold three boxes simultaneously, and he also didn’t perceive any threat from Baccarat.

However, during this process, his hand touched Baccarat’s, while Baccarat’s other hand kept shaking.

Nearby, a vine suddenly rose from the ground, while a carriage passed by.

The horse’s leg was tripped by the vine, causing the cargo on the carriage to spill out, hitting a burly man nearby.

His wine glass slipped and, in his haste to straighten his clothes, his gun accidentally fired, hitting another person nearby.

“Ba*tard, who the hell did that!”

The person hit cursed angrily, but his voice was surprisingly high-pitched. When the pirate looked at the source of the voice, he couldn’t help but burst into laughter, as he hadn’t expected such a burly man to have such a voice.

Others, caught up in fear or confusion, overlooked the source of the laughter, making him the only one laughing and attracting the man’s anger.

Rather than looking for the shooter, he followed the laughter and suddenly, the ground trembled. A massive stone hand emerged, grabbing the person and killing him without saying a word.

It was Pica of the Donquixote Family. The one holding the auction was also from the same family, Doflamingo, who had been flourishing in business in the Grand Line during this period by relying on his abilities.

He was the user of the Stone-Stone Fruit, able to assimilate with rocks he touched. Anything deemed “rock” could be controlled by the Devil Fruit user, allowing them to even alter terrains and buildings.

His voice was his greatest taboo, and anyone mocking him in that regard would attract his wrath.

After dealing with everything, Pica nonchalantly left, discarding the gun that had accidentally fired.

Tesoro quietly picked up the scattered notes, saying to the others nearby, “Anyone else wants to give it a try? Even if you want one billion Berries, it’s possible. As long as you can bear the price.”

Those who had sold their luck earlier had already returned to the casino. The remaining people, upon witnessing the inexplicable death of the pirate, abandoned the idea of selling their luck.

But the ordinary deals weren’t dangerous; Baccarat only took away a bit of luck for a million Berries, so the bad luck would pass in a day.

However, dealing with that person who didn’t play by the rules, she drained all his luck, then used Metronome. With the mystical influence at play, she ultimately used Pica’s hand to kill the other side.

Having acquired enough luck, Tesoro packed up and left, intending to use some of the luck he acquired to earn back the spent money at the casino. This was the second step of his operation.

As the auction began, Tesoro had prepared himself, aiming for today’s ultimate target—the Gol-Gol Fruit.

In the original timeline, Tesoro and his thugs stormed the auction to seize the Gol-Gol Fruit, but this time, he followed the regular auction process.

Gold was still the hard currency on the seas. Although he had acquired an ability bestowed by Arceus last year, it didn’t stop him from obtaining this Devil Fruit. He had seen the description of this fruit in Queen’s picture book, and he liked the ability of this fruit very much.

Despite changes that had occurred, his love for money hasn’t diminished. In his view, the ability of this Devil Fruit seemed tailor-made for him. With this fruit in his possession, he believed his future plans would proceed smoothly. That’s why he had come here.

Doflamingo, also owning a Devil Fruit picture book, knew the fruit’s power and had no plans to sell it. He only intended to use it as a draw to attract more customers.

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