APJ Chapter 543 Arceus’ Secret Power

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It was impossible to completely entrust Larvitar to Yamato for nurturing. Only by absorbing enough energy could Larvitar successfully cocoon and evolve into Pupitar, and then “break free from the cocoon” to become the true Desert Tyrant, Tyranitar.

While this world was predominantly sea, people still lived on land. Not everyone could easily live underwater like the Fish-Men.

This will give Yamato a special goal. Only with hope can she have the motivation to work hard, which can also make her more diligent.

As they were talking, two Chansey had already brought in a large bucket filled with a mixture of stones, wood, and various metal powders. Judging from the sound of the bucket hitting the ground, this bucket of special food was quite heavy, causing even the Chanseys to sweat.

Despite their small size, Chansey contained terrifying power within their round bodies.

Upon seeing the freshly brought food, Larvitar quickly abandoned its diamond bed. Although the taste of “candies” was not bad, eating only one thing could become boring.

If outsiders were to see this, they would likely gnash their teeth with jealousy. Although the price of diamonds is artificially inflated, these diamonds still hold immeasurable value here.

Initially, the sight of such a large diamond bed would be envy-inducing enough, but someone actually treated these priceless treasures as food. To them, this was squandering precious resources. However, in the Beasts Pirates, diamonds were the least valuable commodity.

With Diancie around, as long as carbon elements existed in the world, diamonds would remain an endless resource.

It was evident that Larvitar wouldn’t finish eating anytime soon. So, Arceus began discussing other matters with Yamato.

The timing of Kaido and Whitebeard’s battle was perfect, coinciding with Yamato’s birthday in Year 1509. According to Kaido’s reasoning, there was no better gift than a close range live broadcast of the world’s pinnacle battle.

However, this couldn’t change the fact that this year’s birthday celebrations were canceled due to unforeseen circumstances. Although there was no intention of rescheduling, Arceus had prepared a new gift for her—a seemingly ordinary waist bag.

“Dad, what’s special about this bag?”

At first glance, it appeared to be a very ordinary bag, entirely white with a texture reminiscent of clouds, as it was made from clouds themselves.

In the one piece world, clouds came in a myriad of forms, especially in Skypiea, where they were deeply integrated into the lives of Skypieans.

The bag’s strap was woven from String Clouds and Iron Clouds, making it extremely durable. However, the most extraordinary aspect was the bag itself, manufactured from clouds of Skypiea.

After living on Skypiea for so many years, Skypieans had developed unique cloud craftsmanship. However, the special feature of this bag lay within its internal dimension.

The clouds of Skypiea can be used for storage. Satori of the Forest, the guardian of the Ordeal of Balls, concealed various weapons inside Surprise Clouds processed by the Milky Dial. However, the storage capacity of ordinary clouds is related to their own volume.

However, there was a unique move in the Pokémon world—Secret Power.

In battle, it would manifest different moves based on the environment. However, in everyday life, it could be also used to construct Secret Base, creating unique dimensions in forests or rocks, making it an excellent move for building hidden shelters.

Many Pokémon could learn this move, but Arceus’s Secret Power differed from those of ordinary Pokémon. The enclosed dimension he created exceeded the limits of the object itself.

In simple terms, Yamato’s bag was a spatial equipment crafted using Island Clouds.

Because clouds of Skypiea and the land of the Blue Sea were of a special nature and had unique expansibility, coupled with Arceus’ own power, such a spatial equipment was created.

It appeared to be just an ordinary bag, but in reality, its interior was an entire room. Coupled with the properties of Island Clouds, squeezing oneself inside was not difficult at all. By now, Yamato had already managed to fit half of her body inside.

Due to the special nature of Island Clouds, they could float in the sky even while carrying heavy loads, and could even allow for spontaneous travels by squeezing inside.

This was an experiment, and Yamato is considered to have received the internal test product first. If she encounters no issues while using it, a portion of these cloud backpacks would be mass-produced and distributed to important members. Arceus had no immediate plans to widely disseminate this black technology he personally crafted.

As for Poké Balls, although they were also technologically advanced equipment, he had no intention of introducing them. Despite Poké Balls being commonplace in the Pokémon world, they were essentially akin to binding tools.

Some Berries could be used to manufacture Poké Balls, but the original versions of these Berries were under the control of the Beasts Pirates. Should someone manage to create such an item, it would likely be destroyed.

“Do you like it?”

“Yes, I do. By the way, Dad, does Father know about this?”

“Forget about it. Whenever he comes looking for you, his Observation Haki is at its peak. Unless your Observation Haki surpasses his, don’t even entertain the thought.”

As soon as Yamato said this, he understood her intention. She probably wanted to hide inside to evade Kaido’s pursuit, but that was simply unrealistic.

“Alright, you go ahead and play with Larvitar for now. It’s probably almost full, and I have a few things to take care of.”

“Got it, Dad. Goodbye.”

Then Arceus left the room to attend to the matter regarding the information Morgans had revealed.

Previously, Morgans had exchanged some special information for the opportunity to take on-the-spot photographs. Kaido and Whitebeard had fought for five days and five nights, meaning Zeraora had spent five days and five nights in the sky carrying him.

Although these individuals had abilities far beyond ordinary people and could endure hunger for five days with no issue, it was not suitable for a high-ranking officer to do such tasks. Morgans, however, had brought some benefits to the Beasts Pirates.

Based on the information brought back by his newspaper branch in the South Blue, the area was experiencing an outbreak of insect pests and plant diseases. The most affected from this calamity were a certain type of flower, which, although not particularly valuable itself, was the main source of honey in the area.

Moreover, this honey was a top-tier product in the honey industry.

Currently, the locals were suppressing the news, but it was foreseeable that the outbreak of this calamity was inevitable. In the next few years, there would be a significant reduction in the production of this flower’s honey, which meant a large gap in the market. This was one of the pieces of information Morgans had exchanged so that he could cover the news.

This was a disaster for local beekeepers but presented a new opportunity for the Beasts Pirates. Now they had to cultivate a new batch of bees and use this window of opportunity to occupy a portion of that market.

They wouldn’t replicate the same thing; instead, they would use entirely new honey to attract customers. While many were loyal users of that specific flower’s honey, in this situation, most people would opt for a substitute.

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