APJ Chapter 540 His name has spread throughout the sky and seas

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Beasts Pirates have been in a state of revelry, as news of their victory had spread throughout the territories they occupy. These pirates have each started their own banquets to celebrate Kaido’s “decisive victory.”

While the newspapers did not provide explicit details of the outcome of the battle, prior to this, Whitebeard was almost universally considered the strongest pirate. In their eyes, for a young man like Kaido to fight Whitebeard in such a manner was no different from victory.

And the impact of this apparent victory went beyond just that. For example, on an island near the Red Line, negotiations were underway between Beasts Fruits and other merchants regarding the prices of certain products.

Prices are not fixed; they fluctuate based on economic changes, with the price of an item rising or falling depending on the circumstances.

However, merchants have a common problem. When raw materials’ price rises, they use it as an excuse to raise the prices of their goods. But when prices fall, they conveniently turn a blind eye and never lower their prices back to their original levels.

Not all raw materials for Beasts Fruits come from the Beasts Pirates’ territories. After gaining renown, they also developed some luxury products in the mid-to-low-end range, which can greatly satisfy the vanity of some people.

The fluctuation in prices is primarily for these luxury products’ raw materials.

Originally, they wouldn’t notify the other side when raising prices. Different sectors within the same industry have some form of connection. Generally, they assist each other and form a united front.

However, even lawful merchants in this world have ties to the Underworld in all parts of the world. Due to the varying environment of islands, they could only rely on Underworld for transportation and sale of some goods. To expand and strengthen their operations, they cannot avoid dealing with them.

Beasts Pirates remember well the incident where Umit raised shipping fees, forcing them to act independently. Previously, they were testing what price the Beasts Pirates would accept.

Not everything can be done independently as the costs are too high, and there is not sufficient manpower. But today, they’ve changed.

“Mr. Tesoro, they’ve all agreed to the prices we proposed,” Tanaka emerged from the wall behind Tesoro with a stack of documents in his arms. The merchants had already signed their names, and were waiting for Tesoro’s signature.

“Some of them even voluntarily lowered their prices. I wonder why they suddenly changed their tune.”

“Haven’t you read today’s newspaper yet?”

“Not yet. Is there any new news, Mr. Tesoro?”

“Of course. Beasts Pirates won. No, that’s not entirely accurate, but it doesn’t matter. Just wait; many troublesome contracts will be resolved soon.”

Forces operating their businesses worldwide have private armed forces. Many even employ pirates to attack their competitors. Among these, Beasts Fruits’ backers were nearly as formidable as the World Government and the Marines.

And the clash between Kaido and Whitebeard further expanded their influence.

These types of situations were not just limited to Beasts Fruits. Some who seek to establish more partnerships also share this sentiment, such as the Don Quixote family.

“Fuffuffuffu, this time we’ve made quite the gamble.”

At this time, Doflamingo had already set sail towards the Grand Line, making preparations for his upcoming plans. He hadn’t changed his old profession; his immediate goal now was to integrate into the Grand Line’s Underworld.

The strength that Kaido demonstrated means he has a better chance of succeeding in furthering his plans.

“Trebol, is there still no trace of the stone the Beasts Pirates are looking for?”

“Not yet, Doffy. That thing is incredibly hard to find. But we did come across a good lead on a Devil Fruit.”

“Then let’s get our hands on it first. Let’s take it slow and steady.”


Fishman Island receives news slower than the outside world, as News Coo cannot dive underwater. New information only arrives when ships pass through Fishman Island.

Now, there have been some changes. Through the Beasts Fruits’s Fish-Men Mining Department, Neptune and Otohime have a new channel for information, with someone bringing back newspapers to the Ryugu Kingdom after their shifts.

“Kaido and Newgate… How could this happen…”

Among the many who read the newspaper, Neptune was the most conflicted. On one hand, he had a good personal friendship with Whitebeard and considered him a decent friend.

That was also the reason Whitebeard lent him the flag. Relying on Whitebeard’s pirate flag had indeed resolved many troubles for Fishman Island.

However, the pirate flag couldn’t fundamentally solve their problems. Looking at Fishman Island’s development, it was the help from Beasts Fruits that proved more significant.

If these two were to completely break off ties, choosing Whitebeard would affect Fishman Island’s growth. As a king, Neptune knew this was not right. But choosing the Beasts Pirates would be a betrayal of Whitebeard’s friendship, so Neptune was in a dilemma.

“Neptune, let’s wait until there’s really a problem before deciding.”

“Otohime, what do you mean…”

“They haven’t completely broken off their ties yet, have they?”

Pirate relationships are usually complex. A single battle doesn’t always mean a complete break. Beasts Pirates and Big Mom Pirates may have conflicts and friction, but after a fight, they can still continue business as usual.

It’s all about interests. If the profits are enough, even hostile relations can be temporarily maintained. Both she and Neptune were not decisive enough in facing such matters. Until faced with a new choice, she believed it prudent to temporarily set aside this issue.

Furthermore, Whitebeard didn’t interfere much with what islands using his flag did in private. As long as they didn’t simultaneously hoist two flags, theoretically, there wouldn’t be major conflicts.

On the surface, the mining industry was not led by the Beasts Pirates but by Beasts Fruits.

So, for now, this matter was temporarily set aside, and life on Fishman Island continued as usual.

Meanwhile, thousands of meters above the deep sea floor, newspapers were also brought up from the Summit of High West.

Skypieans weren’t as excited as the people from the Blue Sea, but the former god of the Skypiea and current indigenous administrator of the Skypiea, Gan Fall, couldn’t help but feel deeply moved as he looked at the pirate flag hanging at the entrance.

Whether in the Grand Line or the ordinary Four Seas, whether in the sky ten thousand meters high or the deep and desolate sea ten thousand meters below, whether in the hinterland of affiliated nations or the tumultuous non-affiliated nations, this fight caused the name of Beasts Pirates resound throughout the world.

Compared to the “Emperor of the Sea” given by Morgans, the cataclysmic fighting power gave people an even more terrifying impression. Few believed that they could withstand the aftermath of the battle between these two monsters.

Compared to the old generation powerhouses, these rising stars were even more eye-catching. As a participant in the events, Kaido also kicked off a new round of revelry and banquet at Onigashima.

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